<<O>>  Difference Topic LacieSystemSetup (4 - 29 Sep 2009 - Main.PetrMalat)
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Install almost mandatory packages

Power button

Power button isn't supported in stock Debian, but you can install btnd from my repository, which is able to handle it.

  1. Add my repository into your /etc/apt/sources.list:
        echo 'deb http://data.malat.biz/data/apt lenny main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
        echo 'deb-src http://data.malat.biz/data/apt lenny main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
        aptitude update
  2. Install my keyring (optional):
        aptitude install petr-malat-keyring
  3. Install btnd:
        aptitude install btnd
  4. Edit /etc/default/btnd and change RUN="no" to RUN="yes":
        sed -i 's/^RUN="no"/RUN="yes"/' /etc/default/btnd
  5. Start it (It will start automaticaly after reboot):
        /etc/init.d/btnd start


ED Mini doesn't have hardware clock, so after reboot your time settings are lost. Hdclock package from my repository solves this:
  1. If you didn't do it already, add my repository into your sources list. How to do that is described in steps 1 and 2 in Power button section.
  2. Install hdclock:
        aptitude install hdclock

System setup

Create users and groups

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