Special text strings expand on the fly to display user data or system info Macros are text strings in one of two forms:%MACRONAME% %MACRONAME{ parameter="value" }%These usually expand into content when a topic is rendered for viewing. There are two types of macros:
- Preference settings: May be defined and modified by the user
- Registered macros: Defined by the system or by Plugins (for example, the SpreadSheetPlugin introduces a
On this page:
- Using Macros
- Macro Names
- Predefined Macros
- ACTIVATEDPLUGINS -- list of currently activated plugins
- What is a "Zone"?
- Adding content to a zone
- Enforcing a linear order of content within a zone
- Working with {MergeHeadAndScriptZones} disabled (default)
- Working with {MergeHeadAndScriptZones} enabled
- Example: Adding to a zone with missing dependencies
- Example: Adding Javascript to a page
- Example: Adding CSS to a page
- ALLVARIABLES -- list of currently defined macros
- AQUA -- start aqua colored text
- ATTACHURL -- full URL for attachments in the current topic
- ATTACHURLPATH -- path of the attachment URL of the current topic
- AUTHREALM -- authentication realm
- BASETOPIC -- base topic where an INCLUDE started
- BASEWEB -- base web where an INCLUDE started
- BB -- bullet with line break
- BB2 -- level 2 bullet with line break
- BB3 -- level 3 bullet with line break
- BB4 -- level 4 bullet with line break
- BLACK -- start black colored text
- BLUE -- start blue colored text
- BR -- line break
- BROWN -- start brown colored text
- BULLET -- bullet character
- BUTTON{"text" ...} -- renders a nice button
- CALC{"formula"} -- add spreadsheet calculations to tables and outside tables
- CARET -- caret symbol
- COMMENT{ attributes } -- insert an edit box into the topic to easily add comments.
- COVER -- current skin cover
- DATE -- signature format date
- DISPLAYTIME{"format"} -- formatted display time
- EDITACTION -- Selects an edit template
- EDITTABLE{ attributes } -- edit tables using edit fields and other input fields
- ENCODE{"string"} -- encodes a string
- ENDCOLOR -- end colored text
- ENDSECTION{"name"} -- marks the end of a named section within a topic
- ENDTAB -- ending marker for a tab of a tabpane
- ENDTABPANE -- ending tag for tabpane widget
- ENV{"varname"} -- inspect the value of an environment variable
- EXAMPLETAG -- example variable
- EXPAND{"expression" scope="topictoexpandin" ...}%
- FAILEDPLUGINS -- debugging for plugins that failed to load, and handler list
- FORMAT{"list" format="" header="" footer="" separator=""} -- format a list of objects
- FORMFIELD{"fieldname"} -- renders a field in the form attached to some topic
- GMTIME{"format"} -- formatted GM time
- GRAY -- start gray colored text
- GREEN -- start green colored text
- GROUPINFO{"name"} -- retrieve details about a group
- GROUPS -- a formatted list of groups
- H -- help icon
- HISTORY{ attributes } -- control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- Additional macros
- HOMETOPIC -- home topic in each web
- HTTP -- get HTTP headers
- HTTP_HOST -- environment variable
- HTTPS -- get HTTPS headers
- I -- idea icon
- ICON{"name" alt="" default="name"} -- small documentation graphic or icon of common attachment types
- ICONURL{"name" default="name"} -- URL of small documentation graphic or icon
- ICONURLPATH{"name" default="name"} -- URL path of small documentation graphic or icon
- IF{"condition" ...} -- simple conditionals
- INCLUDE{"topic"} -- include other topic.
- INCLUDE{"url"} -- include a web page
- INCLUDE{"doc:"} -- include Foswiki embedded module documentation
- INCLUDINGTOPIC -- name of topic that includes current topic
- INCLUDINGWEB -- web that includes current topic
- JQICON{"name" ...} -- render an image
- JQICONPATH{"name"} -- render the urlpath to an image
- JQPLUGINS{"plugins" ... } -- display a summary of available plugins
- JQREQUIRE{"plugin, plugin, ... "} -- enable a plugin on the current page
- JQTHEME{"name" ...} -- switch jQuery UI theme
- LANG -- the lang attribute of generated HTML pages
- LANGUAGE -- current user's language
- LANGUAGES -- list available languages
- LIME -- start lime colored text
- LOCALSITEPREFS -- web.topicname of site preferences topic
- LOGIN -- present a full login link
- LOGOUT -- present a full logout link
- M -- moved to... icon
- MAINWEB -- synonym for USERSWEB
- MAKETEXT -- creates text using Foswiki's I18N infrastructure
- MAROON -- start maroon colored text
- META -- displays meta-data
- METASEARCH -- special search of meta data
- N -- "new" icon
- NAVY -- start navy colored text
- NOP -- template text not to be expanded in instantiated topics
- NOTIFYTOPIC -- name of the notify topic
- OLIVE -- start olive colored text
- ORANGE -- start orange colored text
- P -- pencil icon
- PINK -- start pink colored text
- PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS -- list of plugin descriptions
- PLUGINVERSION -- the version of a Foswiki Plugin, or the Foswiki Plugins API
- POPUPWINDOW{"topic" ...} -- opens a topic or url in a new window
- PUBURL -- the base URL of attachments
- PUBURLPATH -- the base URL path of attachments
- PURPLE -- start purple colored text
- Q -- question icon
- QUERY -- get the value of meta-data
- QUERYPARAMS -- show paramaters to the query
- QUERYSTRING -- full, unprocessed string of parameters to this URL
- RED -- start red colored text
- REMOTE_ADDR -- environment variable
- REMOTE_PORT -- environment variable
- REMOTE_USER -- environment variable
- RENDERLIST -- render bullet lists in a variety of formats
- REVARG -- &rev=n URL revision parameter of current topic
- REVINFO -- revision information of current topic
- REVINFO{"format"} -- formatted revision information of topic
- REVTITLE -- (r1) The requested revision as displayed in topic breadcrumbs
- S -- red star icon
- SCRIPTNAME -- name of current script
- SCRIPTSUFFIX -- script suffix
- SCRIPTURL{"script"} -- URL of script
- SCRIPTURLPATH{"script"} -- URL path of script
- SEARCH{"text"} -- search content
- SERVERTIME{"format"} -- formatted server time
- SESSIONID -- unique ID for this session
- SESSIONVAR -- name of CGI and session variable that stores the session ID
- SESSION_VARIABLE -- get, set or clear a session variable
- SHOWPREFERENCE -- show where preferences are defined.
- SILVER -- start silver colored text
- SKIN -- current skin
- SLIDESHOWEND -- end slideshow
- SLIDESHOWSTART -- convert a topic with headings into a slideshow
- SPACEDTOPIC -- topic name, spaced and URL-encoded deprecated
- SPACEOUT{"string"} -- renders string with spaces inserted in sensible places
- STARTINCLUDE -- start position of topic text if included
- STARTSECTION -- marks the start of a section within a topic
- STATISTICSTOPIC -- name of statistics topic
- STOPINCLUDE -- end position of topic text if included
- SYSTEMWEB -- name of documentation web
- T -- tip icon
- TAB{"text" ...} -- tab inside a tabpane widget
- TABLE{ attributes } -- control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- TABPANE{...} -- tabpane widget
- TEAL -- start teal colored text
- TOC{"Topic"} -- table of contents
- TOPIC -- name of current topic
- TOPICLIST{"format"} -- topic index of a web
- TOPICURL -- shortcut to viewing the current topic
- TWIKIWEB -- synonym for SYSTEMWEB
- U -- "updated" icon
- URLPARAM{"name"} -- get URL or HTTP POST parameter value
- USERINFO{"name"} -- retrieve details about a user
- USERNAME -- your login username
- USERSWEB -- name of users web
- VAR{"NAME" web="Web"} -- get a preference value from another web
- VBAR -- vertical bar
- WEB -- name of current web
- WEBLIST{"format"} -- index of all webs
- WEBPREFSTOPIC -- name of web preferences topic
- WHITE -- start white colored text
- WIKIHOMEURL -- site home URL
- WIKINAME -- your Wiki username
- WIKIPREFSTOPIC -- name of site-wide preferences topic
- WIKITOOLNAME -- name of your site
- WIKIUSERNAME -- your Wiki username with web prefix
- WIKIUSERSTOPIC -- name of topic listing all registered users
- WIKIVERSION -- the version of the installed Foswiki engine
- WIKIWEBMASTER -- feedback email address for site
- WIKIWEBMASTERNAME -- Name of the administrator for the site
- X -- warning icon
- Y -- "yes" icon
- YELLOW -- start yellow colored text
- Shortcuts
Using Macros
To use a macro type its name. For example,- type
to get(a preference settings)
- type
to getMacros
(a predefined macro) - type
%CALC{ "$UPPER(Text)" }%
to getTEXT
(CALC is a macro defined by SpreadSheetPlugin)
- To leave a macro unexpanded, precede it with an exclamation point, e.g. type
to get%TOPIC%
- Alternatively, insert a
anywhere in the macro, Eg.%<nop>TOPIC%
- Alternatively, insert a
- Macros are expanded relative to the topic they are used in, not the topic they are defined in
- Type
to get a full listing of all macros defined for a particular topic - If a macro is not defined, then it will be left in the text unless it is called with a
parameter, in which case the value of thedefault
parameter will replace the macro call in the output. For example,%UNDEFINED{default="blank"}%
will expand toblank
Order of expansion
The following describes only these types of macros:- Preference settings
- Most macros provided by plugins (those that use registerTagHandler())
Not those that use commonTagsHandler()
- Most built-in Foswiki macros
Standard form
The key to understanding nested expressions in Foswiki is to understand that macros are expanded "inside-out, left-to-right". Example:%MACRO1{ something="%MACRO2{ somethingelse="%MACRO3%, %MACRO4%" }%" }%The macros are expanded in this order: MACRO3, MACRO4, MACRO2, MACRO1.
Animated Example
Error: no such plugin CHILI
%INCLUDE{ "%QUERY{ "'%THETOPIC%'/%THEFIELD%" }%" section="Summary" }% * Set THETOPIC = %SYSTEMWEB%.FAQWhatIsWikiWiki * Set THEFIELD = TopicClassification
%INCLUDE{ "%QUERY{ "'%SYSTEMWEB%.FAQWhatIsWikiWiki'/%THEFIELD%" }%" section="Summary" }% * Set THETOPIC = %SYSTEMWEB%.FAQWhatIsWikiWiki * Set THEFIELD = TopicClassification
%INCLUDE{ "%QUERY{ "'%SYSTEMWEB%.FAQWhatIsWikiWiki'/TopicClassification" }%" section="Summary" }% * Set THETOPIC = %SYSTEMWEB%.FAQWhatIsWikiWiki * Set THEFIELD = TopicClassification
%INCLUDE{ "%QUERY{ "'System.FAQWhatIsWikiWiki'/TopicClassification" }%" section="Summary" }% * Set THETOPIC = %SYSTEMWEB%.FAQWhatIsWikiWiki * Set THEFIELD = TopicClassification
%INCLUDE{ "FrequentlyAskedQuestion" section="Summary" }% * Set THETOPIC = %SYSTEMWEB%.FAQWhatIsWikiWiki * Set THEFIELD = TopicClassification
These topics are for frequently asked questions including answers. * Set THETOPIC = %SYSTEMWEB%.FAQWhatIsWikiWiki * Set THEFIELD = TopicClassification
These topics are for frequently asked questions including answers. * Set THETOPIC = System.FAQWhatIsWikiWiki * Set THEFIELD = TopicClassification
Delayed form
Standard form macros can nearly always be used to build the parameter string of another macro; however, sometimes it is desirable to bypass the inside-out expansion order and delay the inner macro until after the outer macro has finished expansion. This is accomplished by using the $percent format token instead of%
, and escaping any "
character it uses (becomes \"
Example:When working with a given macro, consult its documentation to determine which parameters support the
format tokens. Generally only output parameters likeheader
support format tokens.
%MACRO1{ format="$percentMACRO2{ format=\"%MACRO3%, %MACRO4%\" }$percent" }%The macros are expanded in this order: MACRO3, MACRO4, MACRO1, MACRO2.
Animated Example
From the conditional output example:Error: no such plugin CHILI
%SEARCH{ " >= d2n('2009-01-01') AND <= d2n('2009-12-31')" type="query" limit="2" nonoise="on" format=" * $percentICON{ \"$percentIF{ \"'$topic'/'%PARENT%'\" then=\"info\" else=\"gear\" }$percent\" }$percent [[$topic]]" }% ---- * Set PARENT = UserDocumentationCategory
%SEARCH{ " >= d2n('2009-01-01') AND <= d2n('2009-12-31')" type="query" limit="2" nonoise="on" format=" * $percentICON{ \"$percentIF{ \"'$topic'/'UserDocumentationCategory'\" then=\"info\" else=\"gear\" }$percent\" }$percent [[$topic]]" }% ---- * Set PARENT = UserDocumentationCategory
* %ICON{ "%IF{ "'AccessKeys'/'UserDocumentationCategory'" then="info" else="gear" }%" }% [[AccessKeys]] * %ICON{ "%IF{ "'AdminSkillsAssumptions'/'UserDocumentationCategory'" then="info" else="gear" }%" }% [[AdminSkillsAssumptions]] ---- * Set PARENT = UserDocumentationCategory
* %ICON{ "info" }% [[AccessKeys]] * %ICON{ "gear" }% [[AdminSkillsAssumptions]] ---- * Set PARENT = UserDocumentationCategory
* <img src=""/> [[AccessKeys]] * <img src=""/> [[AdminSkillsAssumptions]] ---- * Set PARENT = UserDocumentationCategory
Macro Names
Macro names must start with a letter. The following characters can be letters, numbers and the underscore '_'. Letters may be upper or lower-case, E.g.%MYVAR%
, %MyVar%
, %My2ndVar%
, and %My_Var%
are all separate, valid macro names (macros are case sensitive - %MyVAR%
and %MYVAR%
are not the same).
By convention all settings, predefined macros and macros registered by plugins are always UPPER-CASE.
Preference Settings
A preference setting lets you define a simple macro that will be expanded in your output. A preference setting looks like this:[multiple of 3 spaces] * [space] Set [space] MACRONAME [space] = [space] value
* Set WEBBGCOLOR = #FFFFC0Macros defined using preference settings are expanded by enclosing their name in percent signs. So when you write
, it gets expanded to #FFD8AA
A preference macro is always taken from the most current topic revision, even when accessing previous revisions of a topic.
Preferences can be defined in a number of places: - DefaultPreferences (Foswiki upgrades overwrite this topic)
- In (some) plugin documentation topics. (Deprecated)
- SitePreferences
- In user topics, if the user has one (yours is Main.WikiGuest)
- WebPreferences
- Sub-webs inherit the WebPreferences of their parent
- In the topic being accessed
statements which occur at numerically higher locations override macros of the same name defined at lower numbered levels, unless the macro was listed in a finalpreferences setting (finalised) at a lower-numbered level. in this case, the macro is locked to the value at that level; set
statements at higher-numbered levels are ignored.


<!-- * Set HIDDEN = This will be invisible in the output -->If you are setting a preference and using it in the same topic, note that Foswiki reads all the preference settings from the saved version of the topic before it displays anything. This means you can use a setting anywhere in the topic, even if you set it at the very end. But beware: it also means that if you change the setting of a macro you are using in the same topic,
will show the wrong thing, and you must Save
the topic to see it correctly.
Also note that Foswiki always reads the setting from the most current topic revision, so viewing older revisions of a topic can show unexpected results.
And especially important, preference settings are never overridden or set in "%INCLUDE{" topics. in the below example about weather conditions, note the difference in the CONDITIONS expansion
Spaces between the = sign and the value will be ignored. You can split a value over several lines by indenting following lines with spaces - as long as you don't try to use * as the first character on the following line.
* Set MACRONAME = value starts here and continues hereWhatever you include in your macro will be expanded on display, exactly as if it had been entered directly (though see Parameters, below). Example: Create a custom logo macro
- To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing
, define the preference settings in the web's WebPreferences topic, and upload a logo file, ex:mylogo.gif
. You can upload by attaching the file to WebPreferences, or, to avoid clutter, to any other topic in the same web, e.g.LogoTopic
. Sample preference setting in WebPreferences:
* Set MYLOGO = %PUBURL%/%WEB%/LogoTopic/mylogo.gifYou can also set preference settings in a topic by clicking the link
Edit topic preference settings
under More topic actions
. Preferences set in this manner are known as 'meta' preferences and are not visible in the topic text, but take effect nevertheless.
Note that %CONDITIONS% expands differently when this example is viewed in PreferenceSettings. This is because Set statement are not active in included topics. The including topic's set statements are used. Macros defined using preference settings can take parameters. These are symbols passed in the call to the macro to define local macros that will be expanded in the output. For example,* Set CONDITIONS = According to [[%BASETOPIC%]] the %WHAT% is %STATE% today (Set in ...).You can call this macro passing in values for
. For example: -
%CONDITIONS{WHAT="sea" STATE="choppy"}%
Parameter defaults
- The special parameter name
gets the value of any unnamed parameter in the macro call. - Parameter macros can accept a
parameter so that they expand to something even when a value isn't passed for them in the call.
* Set WEATHER = It's %DEFAULT{default="raining"}%.
expands toIt's raining.
expands toIt's sunny.

Access Control Settings
These are special types of preference settings to control access to content. AccessControl explains these security settings in detail. Parameters are not available in access control settings.Local values for preferences
Certain topics (user, plugin, web, site and default preferences topics) have a problem; macros defined in those topics can have two meanings. For example, consider a user topic. A user may want to use a double-height edit box when they are editing their home topic - but only when editing their home topic. The rest of the time, they want to have a normal edit box. This separation is achieved usingLocal
in place of Set
in the macro definition. For example, if the user sets the following in their home topic:
* Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 10 * Local EDITBOXHEIGHT = 20Then, when they are editing any other topic, they will get a 10 high edit box. However, when they are editing their home topic they will get a 20 high edit box.
can be used wherever a preference needs to take a different value depending on where the current operation is being performed.
Use this powerful feature with great care! %ALLVARIABLES%
can be used to get a listing of the values of all macros in their evaluation order, so you can see macro scope if you get confused.
Predefined Macros
Most predefined macros return values that were either set in the configuration when Foswiki was installed, or taken from server info (such as current username, or date and time). Some, like%SEARCH%
, are powerful and general tools.
Your installation of Foswiki v1.1.7 has the following registered macros:Predefined macros can be overridden by preference settings (except TOPIC and WEB)
Plugins may extend the set of predefined macros (see individual Plugins topics for details)
Take the time to thoroughly read through ALL preference macros. If you actively configure your site, review macros periodically. They cover a wide range of functions, and it can be easy to miss the one perfect macro for something you have in mind. For example, see
, and the mighty%SEARCH%
ACTIVATEDPLUGINS -- list of currently activated plugins
- Syntax:
- Expands to: SpreadSheetPlugin, AutoViewTemplatePlugin, CommentPlugin, EditTablePlugin, HistoryPlugin, InterwikiPlugin, JQueryPlugin, MenuListPlugin, PreferencesPlugin, RenderListPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, TablePlugin, TwistyPlugin
This macro is deprecated. Please use VarADDTOZONE instead. It effecively is a shortcut for%ADDTOZONE{"head" ...}%
%ADDTOZONE{ "zone" ... }%Parameters:
optional, comma-separated list of the names of zones that the content should be added to. The only zones guaranteed to exist arehead
. Defaults tohead
. -
for the text being added with theADDTOZONE
call, to be used in therequires
parameter of otherADDTOZONE
calls with the sameid
parameter will simply overwrite the earlierADDTOZONE
optional, comma separated string ofids
of text within thiszone
that this content should follow when the zone is rendered. The content will be rendered even if a specifiedid
is missing. -
optional, text to be added to the named zone, mutually exclusive withtopic
. -
optional, full qualifiedweb.topic
name that contains the text to be added, mutually exclusive withtext
. Defaults to%BASETOPIC%
optional, section of thetopic
to be added, defaults to the default section between STARTINCLUDE and STOPINCLUDE.
What is a "Zone"?
Zones are specific places in the output HTML that are marked by calls to the RENDERZONE macro. Zones are used to collect various content together, such as Javascript and CSS, that must be included in the output HTML in a specific order, and in a specific place. There are two special zones calledhead
and script
. The head
zone is rendered
as part of the HTML head section. It is the catch-all container for any content supposed
to be placed into the HTML head section, except Javascript, which is collected in the
All Javascript must always be added to the script
zone exclusively, in order to
grant ordering constraints among scripts are resolved properly. Never add Javascript to
the head
zone -- never add non-Javascript content to the script
Both zones are added to the HTML head section automatically just before the
closing </head> tag as if they were specified explicitly in the skin templates using:
<head> ... %RENDERZONE{"head"}% %RENDERZONE{"script"}% </head>You may create as many zones in addition to the standard
and script
zones as you like. For any non-standard zone specified in
ADDTOZONE you will also need to provide an appropriate
Interesting use cases in wiki applications: - Create a
zone to add widgets, - Create a
zone to add buttons icons - Create a
zone to add menu entries
Adding content to a zone
ADDTOZONE adds content to a zone identified with theid
An id
identifier is unique within the zone that they are added to.
When the same id
is used in multiple calls to ADDTOZONE the
last call will win, that is previous content of the same id
will be overwritten.
Enforcing a linear order of content within a zone
An ADDTOZONE call may ensure that its content appears after the content of some other ADDTOZONE calls by specifying theirids
the requires
parameter. The requires
parameter constraints the linear order
of content added to a zone. When a zone is rendered, all ordering constraints
expressed via requires
are satisfied. Those ids
not found in a zone don't
have any influence on the final ordering. Missing ids
aren't considered an error
rather than an over-specified ordering problem.
Working with {MergeHeadAndScriptZones}
disabled (default)
In this mode, the head
and script
zones are treated separately.
Even when head
and script
zones are treated separately, the head
zone will
always be rendered before the script
zone, unless otherwise specified using RENDERZONE explicitly.
So any content in the script
zone that depends on content placed into
the head
zone is satisfied intrinsicly as they are both rendered as specified above.
Working with {MergeHeadAndScriptZones}
In this mode, the head
and script
zones are separate when adding to them,
but may be treated as merged when you call RENDERZONE if
there are any dependencies specified that only exist in the opposite zone. This
allows an ADDTOZONE{"head"...}
to to successfully require an id
that has
been added to script
is provided to maintain compatibility with legacy extensions that use ADDTOHEAD to add<script>
markup and require content that is now in thescript
will be removed from a future version of Foswiki.
Example: Adding to a zone with missing dependencies
You must ensure that nohead
content (and no inline Javascript) depends on
content. Any such dependency will be ignored.
In real world application this isn't a problem as Javascript is never added
to the head
zone or Javascript zone part of the script
zone never really
depends on non-Javascript content part of the head
HTML comment decoration which normally appears after each id's
content in the rendered HTML will contain a small informative text to aid
%ADDTOZONE{ "script" text=" <script type='text/javascript'> alert('test'); </script>" requires="some-id-that-exists-in-script" id="MY::TEST" }%Result
<script type='text/javascript'> alert('test'); </script> <!-- MY::TEST: requires= missing ids: some-id-that-exists-in-script -->
Example: Adding Javascript to a page
Make sure that all inline Javascript code in the topic (if it is allowed) is added to the page using%ADDTOZONE{"script"...requires="library-id"}%
with the appropriate library-id to guarantee a correct load order. For example, jQuery code should be added as follows:
%JQREQUIRE{"shake"}% %ADDTOZONE{ "script" id="MyApp::ShakePart" text=" <script type='text/javascript'> jQuery('#something').shake(3, 10, 180); </script>" requires="JQUERYPLUGIN::SHAKE" }%where "MyApp::ShakePart" is a unique
to identify the text added to
signifies that the content added with that
identifier should appear beforehand.
Example: Adding CSS to a page
%ADDTOZONE{"head" id="MyCSS" text=" <style type='text/css' media='all'> @import url('%PUBURLPATH%/%SYSTEMWEB%/MyCSS/foo.css'); </style>" }%See also RENDERZONE, Using ADDTOZONE, Updating applications to use
ALLVARIABLES -- list of currently defined macros
- Syntax:
- Expands to: a table showing all defined macros in the current context
AQUA -- start aqua colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%AQUA% aqua text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: aqua text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
ATTACHURL -- full URL for attachments in the current topic
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
- Example: If you attach a file you can refer to it as
ATTACHURLPATH -- path of the attachment URL of the current topic
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
AUTHREALM -- authentication realm
- String defined as
expert option in configure. This is used in certain password encodings, and in login templates as part of the login prompt. - Syntax:
- Expands to: Enter your WikiName. (First name and last name, no space, no dots, capitalized, e.g. JohnSmith). Cancel to register if you do not have one.
BASETOPIC -- base topic where an INCLUDE started
- The name of the topic where a single or nested INCLUDE started - same as
if there is no INCLUDE - This is the name of the topic requested by the user.
- Syntax:
BASEWEB -- base web where an INCLUDE started
- The web name where the includes started, e.g. the web of the first topic of nested includes. Same as
in case there is no include. - This is the name of the web requested by the user.
- Syntax:
BB -- bullet with line break
- Line break and bullet without indentation.
- Current value: BB =
• - Related: BR, BULLET, BB2, BB3, BB4, CARET, VBAR
BB2 -- level 2 bullet with line break
BB3 -- level 3 bullet with line break
BB4 -- level 4 bullet with line break
BLACK -- start black colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%BLACK% black text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: black text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
BLUE -- start blue colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%BLUE% blue text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: blue text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
BR -- line break
BROWN -- start brown colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%BROWN% brown text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: brown text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
BULLET -- bullet character
BUTTON{"text" ...} -- renders a nice button
- Parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "text", value="text" text to be put on this button accesskey access key used for this button class extra class: use foswikiRight
to specify aligment; usecyan
for different background colors; usesimple
for a non-3D buttonhref url of the click target # icon icon to be put on the left; note, this can be any icon attached to the {IconSearchPath}
; see also VarJQICONid html id for this button onclick javascript event triggered when clicking the button onmouseout javascript event triggered when the pointer leaves the button onmouseover javascript event triggered when the pointer hovers over the button target topic to open when clicking on the button title popup title displayed when hovering over the button type type of action to be performed; available actions are - button: (default) normal click button, target specified in
parameter - clear: clears all input fields in the form that contains the button
- reset: resets all input fields in a form to their initial value
- submit: submits the form that contains the button
- save: same as
but takes care of extra validation steps when saving a wiki topic
button - button: (default) normal click button, target specified in
- Example:
%BUTTON{ "%MAKETEXT{"Submit"}%" click="confirm('Are your sure?')" }% %BUTTON{ "%MAKETEXT{"Cancel"}%" icon="cross" target="%WEB%.%TOPIC%" }% %CLEAR%
- Expands as:
- Note: BUTTONS are floating to the left by default. Take care to add a
after the%BUTTON{...}%
so that further content does not overlap with the button. - Related: JQueryButton
CALC{"formula"} -- add spreadsheet calculations to tables and outside tables
- The
macro is handled by the SpreadSheetPlugin. There are around 90 formulae, such as$ABS()
. - Syntax:
- Examples:
returns the sum of all cells above the current cell -
if the topic exists -
- Related: IF, SpreadSheetPlugin
CARET -- caret symbol
- The CARET macro is useful in TML tables.
- Current value: CARET = ^
- Related: BR, BULLET, BB, BB2, BB3, BB4, VBAR
COMMENT{ attributes } -- insert an edit box into the topic to easily add comments.
- A
without parameters shows a simple text box. - The following standard attributes are recognized
Name Description Default type
This is the name of the template to use for this comment. Comment templates are defined in a Foswiki template - see Customisation, below. If this attribute is not defined, the type is whatever is defined by COMMENTPLUGIN_DEFAULT_TYPE, either in this topic or in your WebPreferences. below
Default text to put into the textarea of the prompt. target
Name of the topic to add the comment to the current topic location
Regular expression specifying the comment location in the target topic. Read carefully the CommentPlugin documentation! mode
For compatibility with older versions only, synonymous with type
Set to "on" to disable change notification for target topics off
Set to "on" to disable the automatic form that encloses your comment block - remember to insert <form>
tags yourself! See CommentPluginExamples:noform for an
Set to "on" to disable insertion of the posted text into the topic. off
Set to "on" to remove the comment prompt after the first time it is clicked. off
Button label text Add comment
- See CommentPlugin for more information
COVER -- current skin cover
extends the skin search path. For instance, if SKIN is set tocatskin, bearskin
, andCOVER
is set toruskin
, the skin search path becomesruskin, catskin, bearskin
. - The
setting can be overridden using the URL parametercover
, such as?cover=ruskin
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
- See Skins for more information
DATE -- signature format date
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
28 Mar 2025
- Date format defined as {DefaultDateFormat} in configure
When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TemplateTopics#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
DISPLAYTIME{"format"} -- formatted display time
- Formatted time - either GMT or Local server time, depending on {DisplayTimeValues} setting in configure. Same format qualifiers as
- Syntax:
The time is shown as hh:mm (24 hour clock)- Expands to:
28 Mar 2025 - 22:53
- Expands to:
- Example:
expands to22:53
EDITACTION -- Selects an edit template
- The
preference setting lets you define the use of an editaction template instead of the standard edit. IfEDITACTION
is defined astext
, then hide the form. IfEDITACTION
is defined asform
hide the normal text area and only edit the form. - Syntax:
* Set EDITACTION = text|form
- Expands to:
is defined as text or form the Edit and Edit Raw buttons simply add;action=text
to the URL for the edit script. If you have defined anEDITACTION
preference setting you can still edit the topic content or the form by removing the;action=form
from the edit URL in the browser and reload. - Related: CommandAndCGIScripts#edit
EDITTABLE{ attributes } -- edit tables using edit fields and other input fields
- The
macro is handled by the EditTablePlugin - Syntax:
%EDITTABLE{ attributes }%
- Supported attributes:
Attribute Comment Default header
Specify the header format of a new table like "|*Food*|*Drink*|"
. Useful to start a table with only a button(no header) format
The format of one column when editing the table. A cell can be a text input field, or any of these edit field types:
• Text input field (1 line):
| text, <size>, <initial value> |
• Textarea input field:
| textarea, <rows>x<columns>, <initial value> |
• Drop down box:
| select, <size>, <option 1>, <option 2>, etc* |
only one item can be selected
• Radio buttons:
| radio, <size*>, <option 1>, <option 2>, etc |
size indicates the number of buttons per line in edit mode
• Checkboxes:
| checkbox, <size*>, <option 1>, <option 2>, etc |
size indicates the number of checkboxes per line in edit mode
• Fixed label:
| label, 0, <label text> |
• Row number:
| row, <offset> |
• Date:
| date, <size>, <initial value>, <DHTML date format> |
(see Date Field Type)"text, 16"
for all cellschangerows
Rows can be added and removed if "on"
Rows can be added but not removed if"add"
Rows cannot be added or removed if"off"
plugin settingquietsave
Quiet Save button is shown if "on"
, hidden if"off"
plugin settinginclude
Other topic defining the EDITTABLE
parameters. The first%EDITTABLE%
in the topic is used. This is useful if you have many topics with the same table format and you want to update the format in one place. Usetopic
notation.(none) helptopic
Topic name containing help text shown below the table when editing a table. The %STARTINCLUDE% and %STOPINCLUDE% macros can be used in the topic to specify what is shown. (no help text) headerislabel
Table header cells are read-only (labels) if "on"
; header cells can be edited if"off"
or "0""on"
Set edit button text, e.g. "Edit this table"
; set button image with alt text, e.g."Edit table, %PUBURL%/%SYSTEMWEB%/DocumentGraphics/edittopic.gif"
; hide edit button at the end of the table with"hide"
(Note: Button is automatically hidden if an edit button is present in a cell)EDITBUTTON
plugin settingbuttonrow
Set to top
to put the edit buttons above the table.bottom
Use javascript to directly move and delete row without page refresh. Enable with "on"
, disable with"off"
plugin setting
%EDITTABLE{ format="| text, 20 | select, 1, one, two, three |" changerows="on" }% | *Name* | *Type* | | Foo | two |Produces:
ENCODE{"string"} -- encodes a string
- Encode character sequences in
, by mapping characters (or sequences of characters) to an alternative character (or sequence of characters). This macro can be used to encode strings for use in URLs, to encode to HTML entities, to protect quotes, and for as many other uses as you can imagine. - Syntax:
- Parameters:
Parameter Description Default "string"
String to encode "" (empty string) type="encodingname"
Use a predefined encoding (see below). Default is 'url'. Parameter type
not be used ifold
are given.old="tokenlist"
Comma-separated list of tokens to replace. Tokens are normally single characters, but can also be sequences of characters. The standard format tokens may be used in this list. Each token must be unique - you cannot list the same token twice. May not be used with type
; required ifnew
is usednew="tokenlist"
comma-separated list of replacement tokens. The elements in this list match 1:1 with the elements in the old
list. Again, the standard format tokens may be used. An empty element in thenew
list will result in the corresponding token in theold
list being deleted from the string. If thenew
list is shorter than theold
list it will be extended to the same length using the empty element. Tokens do not have to be unique.When using
, be aware that the results of applying earlier tokens are not processed again using later tokens. (see examples below)May not be used with type
; required ifold
is used - If
is called with no optional parameters (e.g.%ENCODE{"string"}%
) then the defaulttype="url"
encoding will be used. - Predefined encodings.
- Unless otherwise specified, the
parameter encodes the following "special characters"- all non-printable ASCII characters below space, except newline (
) and carriage return ("\r"
) - HTML special characters
, single quote ('
) and double quote ("
) - TML special characters
- all non-printable ASCII characters below space, except newline (
Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into"
. Does not encode\n
(newline). -
except it also encodes\n
(newline) -
Encode just the characters'"<>%
into HTML entities. -
Escapes double quotes with backslashes (\"
), does not change any other characters -
Encode special characters for use in URL parameters, like a double quote into%22
- Unless otherwise specified, the
- Examples
%ENCODE{"spaced name"}%= expands to spaced%20name %ENCODE{"| Blah | | More blah |" old="|,$n" new="|,<br />"}% expands to | Blah | | More blah | - this encoding is useful to protect special TML characters in tables. %ENCODE{"10xx1x01x" old="1,x,0" new="A,,B"}% expands to ABABA %ENCODE{"1,2" old="$comma" new=";"}% expands to 1;2
- Values for HTML input fields must be entity encoded.
Example:<input type="text" name="address" value="%ENCODE{ "any text" type="entity" }%" />
can be used to filter user input from URL parameters and similar to help protect against cross-site scripting. The safest approach is to usetype="entity"
. This can however prevent an application from fully working. You can alternatively usetype="safe"
which encodes only the characters'"<>%
into HTML entities. WhenENCODE
is passing a string inside another macro always use double quotes ("") type="quote". For maximum protection against cross-site scripting you are advised to install the Foswiki:Extensions.SafeWikiPlugin.
- Double quotes in strings must be escaped when passed into other macros.
Example:%SEARCH{ "%ENCODE{ "string with "quotes"" type="quotes" }%" noheader="on" }%
When using
, be aware that the results of applying earlier tokens are not processed again using later tokens. For example:%ENCODE{"A" old="A,B" new="B,C"}% will result in 'B' (not 'C'), %ENCODE{"asd" old="as,d" new="d,f"}% will yield 'df', and %ENCODE{"A" old="A,AA" new="AA,B"}% will give 'AA' and. %ENCODE{"asdf" old="a,asdf" new="a,2"}% will give 'asdf'
- Related: URLPARAM
ENDCOLOR -- end colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of shortcuts.
Example:%GREEN% green text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: green text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
- Related: VarAQUA, VarBLACK, VarBLUE, VarBROWN, VarGRAY, VarGREEN, VarLIME, VarMAROON, VarNAVY, VarOLIVE, VarORANGE, VarPINK, VarPURPLE, VarRED, VarSILVER, VarTEAL, VarWHITE, VarYELLOW, DefaultPreferences, StandardColors
ENDSECTION{"name"} -- marks the end of a named section within a topic
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
- Supported parameter:
Parameter: Description: "name"
Name of the section. type="..."
Type of the section being terminated; supported types "section"
. - If the
is named, the correspondingENDSECTION
must also be named with the same name. If theSTARTSECTION
specifies a type, then the correspondingENDSECTION
must also specify the same type. If the section is unnamed,ENDSECTION
will match with the nearest unnamed%STARTSECTION%
of the same type above it. - Related: STARTSECTION
ENDTAB -- ending marker for a tab of a tabpane
- This closes a previously opened TAB.
- no parameters
- Related: VarTAB, VarTABPANE, VarENDTAB, JQueryPlugin, JQueryTabpane
ENDTABPANE -- ending tag for tabpane widget
- This closes a previously opened TABPANE.
- no parameters
- Related: VarTAB, VarENDTAB, VarTABPANE, JQueryPlugin, JQueryTabpane
Twisty closure, complements the opening TWISTY tag.- Syntax:
The Twisty closure- Syntax:
- Will end the most inner unclosed Twisty Toggle section, using the proper tag
- Example:
ENV{"varname"} -- inspect the value of an environment variable
- Returns the current value of the environment variable in the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) environment. This is the environment that the CommandAndCGIScripts are running in.
- Note: For security reasons, only those environment variables whose names match the regular expression in
in the Security Settings/Miscellaneous section ofconfigure
can be displayed. Any other variable will just be shown as an empty string, irrespective of its real value. - Example:
displays as: not set - If an environment variable is undefined (as against being set to the empty string) it will be returned as
not set
EXAMPLETAG -- example variable
- The
variable is handled by the ExamplePlugin - Syntax:
%EXAMPLETAG{"text" format="..."}%
- Parameter
- example text. - Parameter
- format of report. - Example:
%EXAMPLETAG{"hello" format="| $topic: $summary |"}%
- Related: ExamplePlugin
EXPAND{"expression" scope="topictoexpandin" ...}%
Expands macros inexpression
as if they were used in the topic topictoexpandin
. The viewer must have VIEW access to topictoexpandin
for this to work. All the standard formatting macros can be used in expression
, such as $percent
and $quot
can be useful when you want to pick up the value of macros defined in another topic. For example, you might want to define a set of preferences in one topic, but pick up their value in another topic (this is very useful when building reusable applications). In this case you can write:
* Set MYPREFERENCE = valuein "SettingsTopic" and then, in "MyTopic", write:
%EXPAND{"$percentMYPREFERENCE$percent" scope="SettingsTopic"}%Of course we can also write:
%EXPAND{"$percentMYPREFERENCE$percent" scope="%OTHERTOPIC%"}%which lets us select which other topic to get the preference value from. Additional parameters can be passed to the macro being expanded using the standard macro syntax in the name of the macro; for example,
%EXPAND{"$percentMYPREFERENCE{$quotdefault$quot param=$quotvalue$quot}" scope="SettingsTopic"}%Notes:
is not very efficient, and should be used sparingly. - To expand a web preference (for example, a web access control) then set
FAILEDPLUGINS -- debugging for plugins that failed to load, and handler list
- Syntax:
- Expands to: See Plugins#FAILEDPLUGINS
FORMAT{"list" format="" header="" footer="" separator=""} -- format a list of objects
- Syntax:
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "one, two, three"
The list to be expanded into the format. Required. Currently only two types of list data are supported; topic names ( type="topic"
) and plain strings (type="string"
Format string; see Supported formatting tokens for possible values. ""
Text to come before the formatted output ""
Text to come after the formatted output ""
Separator between formatted elements "$n"
Treat input list as either topic
- Examples:
%FORMAT{"one,two,three" type="string" format=" * $item"}% %FORMAT{"%SKIN%" header="the Skin setting is evaluated in this order:" format=" 1 =$topic=" footer=" 1 =default=" }%
- Related: SEARCH
Supported formatting tokens
(the default) the format string can contain any of the
topic-specific format tokens
specified in FormattedSearch ($web
, $topic
, $parent
, $text
, $locked
, $isodate
, $index
, $item
, $rev
, $username
, $wikiname
, $wikiusername
, $createusername
, $createwikiname
, $createwikiusername
, $changes
, $formname
, $formfield
, $pattern
, $count
, $nhits
, $pager
In addition, the macro supports all the standard format tokens.
If type="string"
then the comma separated list is treated as a list of
strings. In this case, the format tokens $index
and $item
will return
the position of the item in the list (1-based), and the item itself,
respectively. Note that a comma can be embedded in the data using the standard
formatting token $comma
The FORMAT macro is currently only of use in formatting lists of topics,
or of simple strings. It will be extended in future releases to add the
capability to render other object types.
For more sophisticated handling of string lists, consider installing Foswiki:Extensions.FilterPlugin.
- Related: SEARCH, ENCODE, FormattedSearch
FORMFIELD{"fieldname"} -- renders a field in the form attached to some topic
- Syntax:
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "fieldname"
The name of a Data form field required topic="..."
Topic where form data is located. May be of the form Web.TopicName
Current topic format="..."
Format string. $value
expands to the field value, and$name
expands to the field name,$title
to the field title,$form
to the name of the form the field is in. The standard format tokens are also expanded."$value"
Text shown if the field is defined in the topic, but the field value is empty. For example, a text field for which all the content has been deleted. ""
Text shown if the field is not defined in the topic (even if it is specified in the form definition). For example, this is used when a field exists in the form definition, but the referring topic hasn't been edited since it was added. ""
Specifiy a revision of the topic. If not specified, defaults to the most recent rev (or the viewed rev if viewing an old rev of the same topic) - Example:
%FORMFIELD{"ProjectName" topic="Projects.SushiProject" default="(no project name given)" alttext="ProjectName field not found in form" }%
- Related: SEARCH
GMTIME{"format"} -- formatted GM time
- Syntax:
uses the default date format defined by the {DefaultDateFormat} setting in configure- expands to 28 Mar 2025 - 22:53
- Supported special format tokens:
Token: Unit: Example $seconds
seconds 59 $minutes
minutes 59 $hours
hours 23 $day
day of month 31 $wday
day of the Week (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat) Thu $dow
day of the week (Sun = 0) 2 $week
number of week in year (ISO 8601) 34 $month
short name of month Dec $mo
2 digit month 12 $year
4 digit year 1999 $ye
2 digit year 99 $tz
either "GMT" (if set to gmtime), or "Local" (if set to servertime) GMT $iso
ISO format timestamp 2025-03-28T22:53:27Z $rcs
RCS format timestamp 2025/03/28 22:53:27 $http
E-mail & http format timestamp Fri, 28 Mar 2025 22:53:27 GMT $epoch
Number of seconds since 00:00 on 1st January, 1970 1743202407 - Tokens can be shortened to 3 characters
- Example:
%GMTIME{"$day $month, $year - $hour:$min:$sec"}%
expands to28 Mar, 2025 - 22:53:27
When used in a template topic, this macro will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TemplateTopics#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
GRAY -- start gray colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%GRAY% gray text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: gray text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
GREEN -- start green colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%GREEN% green text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: green text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
GROUPINFO{"name"} -- retrieve details about a group
- Syntax:
- Expands to: comma-separated list of all groups
- Syntax:
- Expands to: comma-separated list of users in that group
- Parameters:
Format of a single user or group in the list. -
expands to the group name, and (for users list only) -
to the relevant strings. -
returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if that group can be modified by the current user. -
returns 0 (false) or 1 (true) if that group can be modified by the specified user (does not work for groups yet.). - The standard FormatTokens are also supported.
for groups list,$wikiusername
for users listseparator
separator between items in the list ,
Header for the list '' footer
Footer for the list '' zeroresults
If set, and there are no Groups or Members that can be shown, the header
are suppressed, and this text is outputundefined
filter the output list of Groups - can be set to all
Set false if users should not be expanded from nested groups. Default behavior is to expand all nested groups into a flat list of users. 1 limit
If set, limits the number of results to this infinity limited
If limit is set, and the list is truncated, this text will be added at the end of the list '' -
Note: GROUPINFO will not list members that are hidden from the current authenticated user. If the current user does not have VIEW authority for a user's topic, then the user will not be shown as a group member.
- Related: USERINFO
GROUPS -- a formatted list of groups
Deprecated - do not use. Use VarGROUPINFO instead- Expands to a formatted list of user groups in your Petr Malát.
- Syntax:
- The macro is intended to be used in WikiGroups, to allow a group listing for various user mapping managers.
H -- help icon
HISTORY{ attributes } -- control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- The
macro is handled by the HistoryPlugin - Syntax:
%HISTORY{ attributes }%
Argument | Description | Default value |
none | Default layout: a simple list of topic revisions using the default format (see below) | |
"format" or format="string" |
Format of one line, may include any variable which is supported by macro REVINFO | "r$rev - $date - $wikiusername" |
topic="topic" |
Topic name, can be in web.topic format |
current topic |
web="web" |
Web name | current web |
versions="number or range" |
Number or range (format: ). Examples: To get version 2, write: versions="2" To get version 2 to 3, write: versions="2..3" To get version 2 to the latest, write: versions="2.." To get all versions up to version 5, write: versions="..5" To get all versions up to but not including the latest, write: versions="..-1" To get the versions from 1 to 5 in reverse order, write: versions="5..1" |
all versions in the order latest to first |
header="text" |
Text to print before the list. May contain the tokens $next and $previous which will be evaluated if there are newer or older revisions available for the topic that are not listed according to versions (or rev1 , rev2 , nrev ). These tokens take the syntax $next{'some text' url='url'} (the same for $previous ). 'some text' is the text which should be printed, 'url' is the url for the corresponding link. The tokens $rev1 , $rev2 , $nrev in 'text' or 'url' will be replaced by appropriate values for the next or previous block of revisions. See the attached oopshistory.tmpl for an example of how to use this. |
"$next" |
footer="text" |
Text to print after the list. May contain the tokens $next and $previous (see header ) |
"$previous" |
Argument | Description | Default value |
nrev="number" |
Number of revisions to show. Ignored if versions is specified, or if both rev1 and rev2 are specified. |
10 |
rev2="number" |
Newest revision to show | rev1+nrev if rev1 is specified, latest revision otherwise |
rev1="number" |
Oldest revision to show | rev2-nrev |
reverse="boolean" |
Show newest revisions first, if on |
"on" |
Additional macros
The following macros are replaced only if there is a corresponding%HISTORY%
on the page. If more than one %HISTORY%
is used on the same page, the values from the last one will be used.
: Oldest revision from the printed history -
: Latest revision from the printed history -
: Number of the printed revisions -
: Latest available revision of the topic
HOMETOPIC -- home topic in each web
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
HTTP -- get HTTP headers
- Called with the name of an HTTP header field, returns its value. Capitalization and the use of hyphens versus underscores are not significant.
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
- Examples:
Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; You can see the HTTP headers your browser sends to the server on a number of sites e.g.
HTTP_HOST -- environment variable
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
HTTPS -- get HTTPS headers
- The same as
but operates on the HTTPS environment variables present when the SSL protocol is in effect. Can be used to determine whether SSL is turned on. - Syntax:
- Syntax:
I -- idea icon
ICON{"name" alt="" default="name"} -- small documentation graphic or icon of common attachment types
- Generates a small graphic image from the set attached to DocumentGraphics. Images typically have a 16x16 pixel size. You can select a specific image by name, or you can give a full filename, in which case the type of the file will be used to select one of a collection of common file type icons.
- if you specify an icon which cannot be found, the one specified in the
parameter will be used (and if that fails, the 'else' icon will be used) - Syntax: =%ICON{ "filename or icon name" [ default="filename or icon name" ] [ alt="alt text to be added to the HTML img tag" ] }%
- Examples:
displays as -
displays as -
%ICON{"docx" default="doc"}%
displays as -
displays as -
returns -
%ICON{"data.unknown" alt="Unknown file type"}%
displays as -
displays as -
- Graphic samples:
- File type samples:
- Related: ICONURL, ICONURLPATH, DefaultPreferences, FileAttachments, DocumentGraphics
ICONURL{"name" default="name"} -- URL of small documentation graphic or icon
- Generates the full URL of a DocumentGraphics image, which Foswiki renders as an image. The related
generates the full HTML img tag. Specify image name or full filename (see ICON for details on filenames.) - Syntax:
- Examples:
returns -
returns -
- Related: ICONURLPATH, ICON, DefaultPreferences, FileAttachments, DocumentGraphics
ICONURLPATH{"name" default="name"} -- URL path of small documentation graphic or icon
- Generates the relative URL path of a DocumentGraphics image, typically used in an HTML img tag. Specify image name or full filename (see ICON for details on filenames.)
- Syntax:
- Examples:
returns /foswiki/pub/System/DocumentGraphics/locktopic.png -
returns /foswiki/pub/System/DocumentGraphics/xml.png -
returns /foswiki/pub/System/DocumentGraphics/xsl.png
- Related: ICONURL, ICON, DefaultPreferences, FileAttachments, DocumentGraphics
IF{"condition" ...} -- simple conditionals
- Evaluate a condition and show one text or another based on the result. See details in IfStatements
- Syntax:
%IF{"CONDITION" then="THEN" else="ELSE"}%
evaluates toTRUE
, otherwise"ELSE"
will be shown - Example:
%IF{"defined FUNFACTOR" then="FUNFACTOR is defined" else="FUNFACTOR is not defined" }%
renders asFUNFACTOR is not defined
- Related: $IF() of SpreadSheetPlugin
INCLUDE{"topic"} -- include other topic.
- Syntax:
%INCLUDE{"topic" ...}%
(See also the URL form of%INCLUDE%
) - Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "SomeTopic"
The name of a topic located in the current web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"WebNotify"}%
A topic in another web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"System.SiteMap"}%
Include a subset of a topic or a web page. Specify a RegularExpression that contains the text you want to keep in parenthesis, e.g. pattern="(from here.*?to here)"
. IncludeTopicsAndWebPages has more.none rev="2"
Include a previous topic revision; N/A for URLs top revision warn="off"
Warn if topic include fails: Fail silently (if off
); output default warning (if set toon
); else, output specific text (use$topic
for topic name)%INCLUDEWARNING%
preferences settingsection="name"
Includes only the specified named section, as defined in the included topic by the STARTSECTION and ENDSECTION macros. Nothing is shown if the named section does not exists. section=""
is equivalent to not specifying a sectionPARONE="val 1"
PARTWO="val 2"Any other parameter will be defined as a macro within the scope of the included topic. The example parameters on the left will result in %PARONE%
being defined within the included topic. - Examples: See IncludeTopicsAndWebPages
INCLUDE{"url"} -- include a web page
- Syntax:
%INCLUDE{"http://..." ...}%
(See also the topic form of%INCLUDE%
) - Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "http://..."
A full qualified URL, i.e. %INCLUDE{""}%
. Supported content types aretext/html
.If the URL resolves to an attachment file on the server this will automatically translate to a server-side include.
Include a subset of a topic or a web page. Specify a RegularExpression that contains the text you want to keep in parenthesis, e.g. pattern="(from here.*?to here)"
. IncludeTopicsAndWebPages has more.none raw="on"
When a page is included, normally Petr Malát will process it, doing the following: 1) Alter relative links to point back to originating host, 2) Remove some basic HTML tags (html, head, body, script) and finally 3) Remove newlines from HTML tags spanning multiple lines. If you prefer to include exactly what is in the source of the originating page set this to on
is short fordisableremoveheaders="on"
.disabled literal="on"
While using the raw
option will indeed include the raw content, the included content will still be processed and rendered like regular topic content. To disable parsing of the included content, set theliteral
option to"on"
.disabled disableremoveheaders="on"
Bypass stripping headers from included HTML (everything until first </head>
tag)disabled disableremovescript="on"
Bypass stripping all <script>
tags from included HTMLdisabled disableremovebody="on"
Bypass stripping the </body>
tag and everything around over and below itdisabled disablecompresstags="on"
Bypass replacing newlines in HTML tags with spaces. This compression step rewrites unmatched <'s into <
entities unless bypasseddisabled disablerewriteurls="on"
Bypass rewriting relative URLs into absolute ones disabled warn="off"
Warn if URL include fails: Fail silently (if off
); output default warning (if set toon
); else, output specific text (use$topic
for topic name) appended with the http error information.%INCLUDEWARNING%
preferences settingJavaScript in included webpages is filtered out as a security precaution per default (disable filter with
parameter)Foswiki by default is configured to deny URL format includes.
- Examples: See IncludeTopicsAndWebPages
- Related: INCLUDE("topic")
INCLUDE{"doc:"} -- include Foswiki embedded module documentation
- Syntax:
%INCLUDE{"doc:Foswiki::Func" ...}%
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "doc:..."
A full qualified Foswiki module, i.e. %INCLUDE{"doc:Foswiki::Func"}%
. The module must be found on the Foswiki lib pathlevel="1"
Override the root heading level to the specified number pattern="..."
Include a subset of the module. Specify a RegularExpression that contains the text you want to keep in parenthesis, e.g. pattern="(from here.*?to here)"
. IncludeTopicsAndWebPages has more.none - Examples: See System/PerlDoc?module=Foswiki::Func
- Related: INCLUDE("topic") INCLUDE("URL")
INCLUDINGTOPIC -- name of topic that includes current topic
- The name of the topic that includes the current topic - same as
in case there is no include - If a topic is used in a chain of
is set to the topic directly INCLUDing this one, NOT the topic that has been requested by the user (which is set inBASETOPIC
)While this Macro may appear to work, unless you require the subtle difference between
, you probably should useBASETOPIC
- Syntax:
INCLUDINGWEB -- web that includes current topic
- The web name of the topic that includes the current topic - same as
if there is noINCLUDE
. - If a topic is used in a chain of
is set to the topic directly INCLUDing this one, NOT the web that has been requested by the user (which is set inBASEWEB
)While this Macro may appear to work, unless you require the subtle difference between
, you probably should useBASEWEB
- Syntax:
JQICON{"name" ...} -- render an image
- This renders an icon image as found on an icon search path. The icon search path is configured in
and defaults to FamFamFamSilkIcons, FamFamFamSilkCompanion1Icons, FamFamFamFlagIcons, FamFamFamMiniIcons, FamFamFamMintIcons'. The named icon will be picked found first on this path of topics where icons are attached to. The JQICON leverages the general icon loading mechanism as implemented by the JQueryPlugin and used by BUTTON as well. - Parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "name" name of the icon to display class additional css class for the img tag alt alt attribute title title attribute format format string used to render the icon; known variables to be used in the format string are: -
: url path -
: css class as specified by theclass
parameter -
: alt attribute-value; if thealt
parameter to JQICON is set, this expands toalt='...'
: title attribute-value; if thetitle
parameter to JQICON is set, this expands totitle='...'
<img src='$iconPath' class='$iconClass' $iconAlt$iconTitle/>
- Example:
%JQICON{"tick" alt="alternative content" title="this is a tick icon"}% %JQICON{"cross"}% %JQICON{"disk"}% %JQICON{"star"}% %JQICON{"lightbulb"}% %JQICON{"camera"}% %JQICON{"date"}%
Produces: - Related: VarJQICONPATH, VarICON, JQueryPlugin, FamFamFamSilkIcons
JQICONPATH{"name"} -- render the urlpath to an image
- This is a shortcut for
%JQICON{"name" format="$iconPath"}%
- Example:
- Related: VarJQICON, VarICONURL, JQueryPlugin
JQPLUGINS{"plugins" ... } -- display a summary of available plugins
- Parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "plugins" this is a regular expression that the plugin identifier must match to be displayed format format string to render information for each matching plugin; known variables to be used in the format string are: - active: state of the plugin: displays (active) when this plugin is loaded on the current page
- author: author of the plugin
- documentation: plugin documentation topic defaults to
- homepage: link to the hompeage of this third party plugin
- index: the current index in the list of all plugins being displayed
- name: name of the plugin as can be used in JQREQUIRE
- summary: short description what this plugin does; most plugins provide this piece of information in the
section of the documentation topic - tags: list of TML macros this plugin implements
- version: version of the plugin as provided by the author of this plugin
1 <a href="$homepage">$name</a> $active $version $author
header header string prepended to the output; empty when no plugin matches footer footer string appended to the output; empty when no plugin matches separator separator put between each plugin rendered in a row $n
tagformat format string to render a link to any tag documentation a plugin implements [[%SYSTEMWEB%.Var$tag][$tag]]
- Example:
%JQPLUGINS{ "treeview|slimbox" header=" * JQuery Plugins:$n" format=" * [[$documentation][$name]] v$version was developed by [[$homepage][$author]]" }%
Produces: - JQuery Plugins:
- Slimbox v2.04 was developed by Christophe Beyls
- Treeview v1.4 was developed by Joern Zaefferer
- Related: JQueryPlugin
JQREQUIRE{"plugin, plugin, ... "} -- enable a plugin on the current page
- This macro will load a list of plugins to be added to the current page. Use JQPLUGINS to display the list of available and active plugins. While loading a plugin, additional plugins it may depend on are loaded as well. Information about these dependencies is stored within the plugins themselves and can't be changed. Dependencies also make sure the javascript code is added to the html page in the right order. It uses ADDTOZONE to aggregate javascript and css at the right place on the html page.
- Parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "plugin[, plugin, plugin]" list of plugins to be loaded warn (on/off) allows you to switch off warnings when a plugin was not found on - Related: JQueryPlugin, VarJQPLUGINS, VarADDTOZONE
JQTHEME{"name" ...} -- switch jQuery UI theme
- Foswiki's default UI theme is configured in
and defaults tobase
. Use configure to change this site wide. Use JQTHEME if you decide to use a different theme on the current page. - Note: some Foswiki skins may come with their own jQuery UI matching the overall user experience of the web design.
- Parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "name" name of theme: JQueryPlugin knows the following themes base
; additional themes maybe created using the themeroller and installed to/foswiki/pub/System/JQueryPlugin/$name
base - Related: JQueryUI
LANG -- the lang
attribute of generated HTML pages
- In templates the
attribute is defined like this:<html xmlns="" xml:lang="%LANG%" lang="%LANG%">
- The value is read from configure setting
- Do not confuse
with LANGUAGE - Syntax:
- Expands to:
LANGUAGE -- current user's language
- Returns the language code for the language used as the current user. This is the language actually used by Foswiki (e.g. in user interface).
- The language is detected from the user's browser, unless some site/web/user/session-defined setting overrides it:
- If the
preference is set, it's used as user's language instead of any language detected from the browser. - Avoid defining
at a non per-user way, so each user can choose his/her preferred language.
- If the
- Related: LANGUAGES
LANGUAGES -- list available languages
- List the languages available (as
files). These are the languages in which the user interface is available. - Syntax:
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: format
format for each item. See below for format tokens available in the format string. " * $langname"
separator between items. "\n"
Text for $marker
if the item matchesselection
Current language to be selected in list (none)
tokens:Token Meaning $langname
language's name, as informed by the translators $langtag
language's tag. Ex: en
, etc. - Example:
<select>%LANGUAGES{format="<option $marker value='$langtag'>$langname</option>" selection="%LANGUAGE%"}%</select>
creates an option list of the available languages with the current language selected
LIME -- start lime colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%LIME% lime text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: lime text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
LOCALSITEPREFS -- web.topicname of site preferences topic
- The full name of the local site preferences topic. These local site preferences overload the system level preferences defined in System.DefaultPreferences.
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
, renders as SitePreferences
LOGIN -- present a full login link
- Syntax:
- Expand to: Login
LOGOUT -- present a full logout link
You are already logged out, so
expands to an empty string
- Syntax:
- Expand to:
M -- moved to... icon
MAINWEB -- synonym for USERSWEB
Deprecated. Please use
MAKETEXT -- creates text using Foswiki's I18N infrastructure
Strings captured in theMAKETEXT
macro are automatically mapped to the
current user's selected language via locale/*.po
translation files. - Syntax:
%MAKETEXT{"string" args="..."}%
- Supported parameters:
Parameter Description Default "text"
The text to be displayed (the translatable string). none args="param1, param2"
a comma-separated list of arguments to be interpolated in the string, replacing [_N]
placeholders in it.none - Examples:
%MAKETEXT{string="Notes:"}% expands to: Notes: %MAKETEXT{ "If you have any questions, please contact [_1]." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%" }% expands to: If you have any questions, please contact %MAKETEXT{ "Did you want to [[[_1]][reset [_2]'s password]]?" args="%SYSTEMWEB%.ResetPassword,%WIKIUSERNAME%" }% expands to: Did you want to [[System.ResetPassword][reset Main.WikiGuest's password]]?
- Notes:
brackets are validated to a positive integer from 1 to 100. - Missing arguments are replaced with an empty string ''.
- An ampersand (
) followed by one ascii alphabetic character (a...z, A...Z) in the translatable string will be expanded to an access key string. For example,&X
will expand to<span class='foswikiAccessKey'>X</span>
. If you want to write an actual ampersand, either follow it with a non-alphabetic character or write two consecutive ampersands (&&
). - Translatable strings starting with underscores (
) are reserved. You cannot use translatable phrases starting with an underscore. - Make sure that the translatable string is constant. Do not include
inside the translatable strings as they will be expanded before the%MAKETEXT{...}%
itself is handled. You can, however, use macros in theargs
, as shown in the examples above. - The string will be output in English if no mapping can be found in the
translation file for the current user's selected language.
- Plurals:
- The
macro also supports a limited subset of thequant
style bracket notation:%MAKETEXT{string="Edit [*,_1,file]" args="4"}% expands to: Edit 4 files
- The
- Notes on plurals:
- Only 3 arguments are supported.
- The first parameter must be an asterisk. Literals
are not supported. - The 2nd parameter must be the argument number
- The 3rd parameter is the word or phrase to be made plural.
MAROON -- start maroon colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%MAROON% maroon text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: maroon text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
META -- displays meta-data
Provided mainly for use in templates, this macro generates the parts of the topic view that relate to meta-data (attachments, forms etc.). Syntax:%META{ "item" ...}%
Parameters: -
- generates the table showing the form fields. See Form Definition. -
- generate a table of attachments-
to show hidden attachments. -
to show a title - only if attachments are displayed. -
to use a custom template for the rendering of attachments; defaultattachtables
is used.
- if a topic was moved or renamed, generates a message with details and a revert link-
: Prefix that goes before the moved message, but only if the message is generated, default""
. -
: Prefix that goes after the moved message, but only if the message is generated, default""
- display details of ancestor topics-
: By default recurses up tree, this has some cost. Equivalent todepth=1
: Return only the specified ancestor. -
: Suppress WebHome. -
: Format string used to display each parent topic where$web
expands to the web name, and$topic
expands to the topic name; default:"[[$web.$topic][$topic]]"
: Separator between parents; default" > "
: Prefix that goes before parents, but only if there are parents, default""
. -
: Suffix, only appears if there are parents; default""
- display the value of a single form field-
: name of the field. -
: by default, each newline character will be rewritten to<br />
to allow metadata that contains newlines to be used in tables, etc.$n
indicates a newline character. -
: by default, each vertical bar is rewritten to an HTML entity so as to not be mistaken for a table separator.
Related: QUERYUse of
is deprecated in favour of the much more powerfulQUERY
METASEARCH -- special search of meta data
is deprecated in favour of the new and much more powerful query type search. See SEARCH and QuerySearch.
- Syntax:
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: type="topicmoved"
What sort of search is required?
if search for a topic that may have been moved
if searching for topics that have a specific parent i.e. its children
if searching for topics that have a particular form field value (use thename
parameters to specify which field to search).Required web="%WEB%"
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all
webs.Current web topic="%TOPIC%"
The topic the search relates to, for topicmoved
searchesAll topics in a web name
form field to search, for field
type searches. May be a regular expression (see SEARCH).value
form field value, for field
type searches. May be a regular expression (see SEARCH).title="Title"
Text that is prefixed to any search results empty format="..."
Custom format results. Supports same format strings as SEARCH. See FormattedSearch for usage & examples Results in table default="none"
Default text shown if no search hit Empty - Examples:
%METASEARCH{ type="topicmoved" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="This topic used to exist and was moved to: " }%
You may want to use this in WebTopicViewTemplate and WebTopicNonWikiTemplate:%METASEARCH{ type="parent" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="Children: " }% %METASEARCH{ type="field" name="Country" value="China" }%
- Related: SEARCH, META
N -- "new" icon
NAVY -- start navy colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%NAVY% navy text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: navy text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
NOP -- template text not to be expanded in instantiated topics
- Syntax:
- In normal topic text, expands to <nop>, which prevents expansion of adjacent macros and wikiwords
- When the topic containing this is used as a template for another topic, it is removed.
- Syntax:
deprecated- In normal topic text, expands to whatever is in the curly braces (if anything).
This is deprecated. Do not use it. Use
instead (see TemplateTopics for more details).
- In normal topic text, expands to whatever is in the curly braces (if anything).
- Related: STARTSECTION, TemplateTopics
NOTIFYTOPIC -- name of the notify topic
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
, renders as WebNotify - Related: HOMETOPIC, STATISTICSTOPIC, TOPIC
OLIVE -- start olive colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%OLIVE% olive text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: olive text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
ORANGE -- start orange colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%ORANGE% orange text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: orange text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
P -- pencil icon
PINK -- start pink colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%PINK% pink text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: pink text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
PLUGINDESCRIPTIONS -- list of plugin descriptions
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
- SpreadSheetPlugin (1.1.7, v1.1.7): Add spreadsheet calculations like "$SUM($ABOVE())" to Foswiki tables and other topic text
- AutoViewTemplatePlugin (2012-12-16, v1.1.7): Automatically sets VIEW_TEMPLATE and EDIT_TEMPLATE
- CommentPlugin (1.1.6, v1.1.6): Quickly post comments to a page without an edit/save cycle
- EditTablePlugin (4.43, 4.43): Edit tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes
- HistoryPlugin (1.11, 1.11): Shows a complete history of a topic
- InterwikiPlugin (1.1.6, v1.1.6): Link ExternalSite:Page text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic
- JQueryPlugin (4.45, 4.45): jQuery JavaScript library for Foswiki
- MenuListPlugin (18-Nov-2012, 2.0): dynamic Folding menu list
- PreferencesPlugin (1.1.4, v1.1.4): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
- RenderListPlugin (2.2.7, v2.2.7): Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
- SmiliesPlugin (28 Nov 2012, v1.1.6): Render smilies like
as icons
- TablePlugin (1.141, 1.141): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- TwistyPlugin (1.6.16, v1.6.16): Twisty section Javascript library to open/close content dynamically
PLUGINVERSION -- the version of a Foswiki Plugin, or the Foswiki Plugins API
- Syntax:
to get the version of a specific plugin - Example:
expands tov1.1.6
- Syntax:
to get the version of the API - Expands to:
POPUPWINDOW{"topic" ...} -- opens a topic or url in a new window
- Parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "topic"
Topic to open url
URL to open (if topic is not used) label
Link label the topic or the url template
View template to call when viewing a topic; not used for URLs "viewplain"
Width of window "600"
Height of window "480"
Show toolbars? "0"
Show scrollbars? "1"
Show status? "1"
Show location bar? "0"
Is the window resizable? "1"
Left position "0"
Top position "0"
Center the window? "0"
Show menubar? "0"
Create a new window for each popup? "1"
- Example with topic link:
%POPUPWINDOW{"Macros" label="Open this topic in a new window"}%
Generates: Open this topic in a new window - Example with url:
Generates: - Enable
by writing%JQREQUIRE{"popupwindow"}%
on the page
PUBURL -- the base URL of attachments
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
- Example: You can refer to a file attached to another topic with
PUBURLPATH -- the base URL path of attachments
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
PURPLE -- start purple colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%PURPLE% purple text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: purple text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
Q -- question icon
QUERY -- get the value of meta-data
- Uses the query syntax described in QuerySearch to get information about meta-data.
- supports formatted access to formfields and other meta-data in topics using the same syntax as is used in
statements, - gives access to all meta-data, including that added by extensions,
- supports reporting values using JSON and other standards, simplifying the retrieval of meta-data for REST applications,
- replaces the
macro for most applications.
- supports formatted access to formfields and other meta-data in topics using the same syntax as is used in
- Syntax:
%QUERY{ "query" }%
- See QuerySearch for more details of how to write queries
- Parameters:
- set the output format (see below) -
- operate on the given version of the current topic. Note that this will only affect simple queries that refer to the current topic, such
. More complex queries that use searches or indirection to refer to other topics always use the latest version of those topics.
- Examples:
Get the name of the form in the current topic: %QUERY{""}% Get the value of the 'Firstname' form field in the current topic: %QUERY{"fields[name='Firstname'].value"}% Get the value of the 'Firstname' form field in the current topic (shorthand version): %QUERY{"Firstname"}% Get a list of all the names of attachments on the topic 'System.DocumentGraphics': %QUERY{"'System.DocumentGraphics'/"}% Get configuration setting {NameFilter}: %QUERY{"{NameFilter}"}%
parameter: -
- generates values as Perl code strings -
- generates values as JSON strings, suitable for reading by browsers.
, {LoginManager}
, {AuthScripts}
, {LoginNameFilterIn}
, {AdminUserLogin}
, {AdminUserWikiName}
, {SuperAdminGroup}
, {UsersTopicName}
, {AuthRealm}
, {MinPasswordLength}
, {Register}{AllowLoginName}
, {Register}{EnableNewUserRegistration}
, {Register}{NeedVerification}
, {Register}{RegistrationAgentWikiName}
, {AllowInlineScript}
, {DenyDotDotInclude}
, {UploadFilter}
, {NameFilter}
, {AccessibleCFG}
, {AntiSpam}{EmailPadding}
, {AntiSpam}{EntityEncode}
, {AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails}
, {AntiSpam}{RobotsAreWelcome}
, {Stats}{TopViews}
, {Stats}{TopContrib}
, {Stats}{TopicName}
, {UserInterfaceInternationalisation}
, {UseLocale}
, {Site}{Locale}
, {Site}{CharSet}
, {DisplayTimeValues}
, {DefaultDateFormat}
, {Site}{LocaleRegexes}
, {UpperNational}
, {LowerNational}
, {PluralToSingular}
, {EnableHierarchicalWebs}
, {WebMasterEmail}
, {WebMasterName}
, {NotifyTopicName}
, {SystemWebName}
, {TrashWebName}
, {SitePrefsTopicName}
, {LocalSitePreferences}
, {HomeTopicName}
, {WebPrefsTopicName}
, {UsersWebName}
, {TemplatePath}
, {LinkProtocolPattern}
, {NumberOfRevisions}
, {MaxRevisionsInADiff}
, {ReplaceIfEditedAgainWithin}
, {LeaseLength}
, {LeaseLengthLessForceful}
, {Plugins}{WebSearchPath}
, {PluginsOrder}
, {Cache}{Enabled}
, {Validation}{Method}
, {Register}{DisablePasswordConfirmation}
- Related: META QuerySearch
QUERYPARAMS -- show paramaters to the query
- Expands the parameters to the query that was used to display the page.
- Syntax:
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: format="..."
Format string for each entry $name=$value
Separator string separator="$n"
Control how special characters are encoded. If this parameter is not given, "safe" encoding is performed which HTML entity encodes the characters '"<>%
: Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into"
. Does not encode\n
: Encode characters'"<>%
into HTML entities. (this is the default)
: Astype="entity"
except it also encodes\n
: Escape double quotes with backslashes (\"
), does not change other characters
: Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into%22
- The following escape sequences are expanded in the format string:
Sequence: Expands To: $name
Name of the parameter $value
String value of the parameter. Multi-valued parameters will have a "row" for each value. $n
New line. Use $n()
if followed by alphanumeric character, e.g. writeFoo$n()Bar
instead ofFoo$nBar
Most macros accept parameter strings which are split over multiple lines. This is usually more readable than using
tokens. If you are familiar with sectional includes, you might also consider nested sectional includes to hold the newline content outside of the parameter string entirely.Note that newline is not a line break. The browser will wrap the lines together. If you require a line break, displaying the results on two lines, use
. Or use two consecutive newlines to create a TML "Paragraph".$nop
Is a "no operation". This token gets removed; useful for nested search $quot
Double quote ( "
) (\" also works)$percent
Percent sign ( %
) ($percnt
also works)$dollar
Dollar sign ( $
Less than sign ( <
Greater than sign ( >
Ampersand ( &
Comma ( ,
- Example:
%QUERYPARAMS{ format="<input type='hidden' name='$name' value='$value' encoding="entity" />" }%
Security warning! Using QUERYPARAMS can easily be misused for cross-site scripting unless specific characters are entity encoded. By default QUERYPARAMS encodes the characters
into HTML entities (same as encoding="safe") which is relatively safe. The safest is to use encoding="entity". When passing QUERYPARAMS inside another macro always use double quotes ("") combined with using QUERYPARAMS with encoding="quote". For maximum security against cross-site scripting you are adviced to install the Foswiki:Extensions.SafeWikiPlugin.
QUERYSTRING -- full, unprocessed string of parameters to this URL
- String of all the URL parameters that were on the URL used to get to the current page. For example, if you add ?name=Samantha;age=24;eyes=blue to this URL you can see this in action. This string can be appended to a URL to pass parameter values on to another page.
URLs built this way are typically restricted in length, typically to 2048 characters. If you need more space than this, you will need to use an HTML form and =%QUERYPARAMS%=
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
RED -- start red colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%RED% red text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: red text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
REMOTE_ADDR -- environment variable
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
REMOTE_PORT -- environment variable
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
REMOTE_USER -- environment variable
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
RENDERLIST -- render bullet lists in a variety of formats
- The
macro is handled by the RenderListPlugin - Syntax:
- Example:
%RENDERLIST{"org" focus="Sales.WestCoastTeam"}% * [[Eng.WebHome][Engineering]] * [[Eng.TechPubs][Tech Pubs]] * [[Sales.WestCoastTeam][Sales]] * [[Sales.EastCoastTeam][East Coast]] * [[Sales.WestCoastTeam][West Coast]]
- Related: RenderListPlugin
%RENDERZONE{"zone" ...}%See ADDTOZONE for an explanation of zones. Parameters:
required, name of the zone. -
optional, format string for each item added to the zone, default:$item <!--<literal> $id $missing</literal>-->
of the ADDTOZONE call within thezone
currently being rendered. -
- text of the ADDTOZONE call within thezone
currently being rendered. -
- the"zone"
currently being rendered. -
- if the ADDTOZONE call being rendered required anyid
which was not found, then$missing
is themissingtoken
parameter; empty string otherwise. -
- comma separated list of ids that were required by the ADDTOZONE call currently being rendered but weren't found within thiszone
optional, this will be the string assigned to the$missing
format token for use in theformat
parameter. Default:$id: requires= missing ids: $missingids
remove leading and trailing whitespace from formatted items, can be useful for pretty-printing and compression. -
optional, prepended to the output -
optional, appended to the output -
optional, put between each item of a zone
are not output if there is no content in the zone (nothing has beenADDTOZONEd
). However they are output if the output is the empty string (at least oneADDTOZONE
has been processed). - Zones are cleared after being rendered; they are only ever rendered once.
are automatic zones. They don't require a correspondingRENDERZONE
anywhere in the templates - they are automatically inserted before the</head>
tag in the output HTML page. - Normally, dependencies between individual
statements are resolved within each zone. However, if{MergeHeadAndScriptZones}
is enabled in configure, thenhead
content which requires anid
that only exists inscript
will be re-ordered to satisfy this dependency.{MergeHeadAndScriptZones}
will be removed from a future version of Foswiki.
REVARG -- &rev=n
URL revision parameter of current topic
- Syntax:
If a topic revision is requested in the URL, it returns the revision of the current topic suitable for concatenation to the view query parameters. Otherwise returns an empty string. - Expands to: (simulated)
(actual) - Related: REVINFO, REVTITLE
REVINFO -- revision information of current topic
- Syntax:
is equivalent to%REVINFO{format="r1.$rev - $date - $wikiusername"}%
- Expands to:
r1 - 26 Jun 2011 - 21:39:52 - ProjectContributor
- Expands to:
REVINFO{"format"} -- formatted revision information of topic
- Syntax:
is equivalent to%REVINFO{format="r$rev - $date - $wikiusername"}%
- Expands to:
r1 - 26 Jun 2011 - 21:39:52 - ProjectContributor
- Expands to:
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "format"
Format of revision information, see supported formatting tokens below "r1.$rev - $date - $wikiusername"
Name of web Current web topic="..."
Topic name Current topic rev="1.5"
Specific revision number Latest revision - Supported formatting tokens:
Token: Unit: Example $web
Name of web Current web $topic
Topic name Current topic $rev
Revision number. Prefix r1.
to get the usualr1.5
Login username of revision jsmith
WikiName of revision JohnSmith
WikiName with Main web prefix Main.JohnSmith
Revision date. Actual date format defined as {DefaultDateFormat} in configure 21 Sep 2006
Revision time 23:24:25
Revision date in ISO date format 2006-09-22T06:24:25Z
, etc.Same date format qualifiers as GMTIME{"format"} - Example, returns revision info of first revision:
%REVINFO{"$date - $wikiusername" rev="1.1"}%
- To get the latest revision, even when looking at an older revision:
%REVINFO{"$rev" rev="-1"}%
REVTITLE -- (r1)
The requested revision as displayed in topic breadcrumbs
- Syntax:
If a topic revision is requested in the URL, it returns the printable revision of the current topic revision. Otherwise returns an empty string. - Expands to: (simulated)
(actual) - Related: REVINFO, REVARG
S -- red star icon
SCRIPTNAME -- name of current script
- The name of the current script is shown, including script suffix, if any (for example
) - Syntax:
- Expands to:
SCRIPTSUFFIX -- script suffix
- Some Petr Malát installations require a file extension for CGI scripts, such as
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
SCRIPTURL{"script"} -- URL of script
- Syntax:
returns the base URL of scripts - expands to - Expands to:
- Example: To get the authenticated version of the current topic you can write
which expands to
In most cases you should use
instead, as it works with URL rewriting much betterThe
script should always be used in conjunction with?t=%GMTIME{"$epoch"}%
to ensure pages about to be edited are not cached in the browser - Related: PUBURL, SCRIPTNAME, SCRIPTSUFFIX, SCRIPTURLPATH
SCRIPTURLPATH{"script"} -- URL path of script
- As
, but doesn't include the protocol and host part of the URL - Syntax:
- Expands to:
script should always be used in conjunction with?t=%GMTIME{"$epoch"}%
to ensure pages about to be edited are not cached in the browser - Related: PUBURLPATH, SCRIPTNAME, SCRIPTSUFFIX, SCRIPTURL
SEARCH{"text"} -- search content
- Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic
- Syntax:
%SEARCH{"text" ...}%
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "text"
Search term. Is a keyword search, literal search, regular expression search, or query, depending on the type
parameter. SearchHelp has morerequired search="text"
(Alternative to above) N/A web="Name"
web="Main, Know"
Comma-separated list of webs to search. You can specifically exclude webs from an all
search using a minus sign - for example,web="all,-Secretweb"
. The special wordall
means all webs that do not have theNOSEARCHALL
preference set toon
in their WebPreferences. Note that AccessControls are respected when searching webs; it is much better to use them thanNOSEARCHALL
. Wildcards are not currently supported for web names.Current web topic="WebPreferences"
Limit search to topics: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma. Note this is a list of topic names and must not include web names. All topics in a web excludetopic="Web*"
excludetopic="WebHome, WebChanges"
Exclude topics from search: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma. Note this is a list of topic names and must not include web names. None scope="topic"
Search topic name (title); the text (body) of topic; or all (title and body) "text"
Control how the search is performed when scope="text"
: use Google-like controls as insoap "web service" -shampoo
; searches word parts: using the example, topics with "soapsuds" will be found as well, but topics with "shampoos" will be excluded
: identical tokeyword
but searches whole words: topics with "soapsuds" will not be found, and topics with "shampoos" will not be excluded
: search for the exact string, likeweb service
: use a RegularExpression search likesoap;web service;!shampoo
; to search on whole words use\bsoap\b
: query search of form fields and other meta-data, like(Firstname='Emma' OR Firstname='John') AND Lastname='Peel'
preferences setting (literal)order="topic"
"formfield(name)"Sort the results of search by the topic names, topic creation time, last modified time, last editor's WikiName, or named field of DataForms. The sorting is done web by web; if you want to sort across webs, create a formatted table and sort it with TablePlugin's initsort. Note that dates are sorted most recent date last (i.e at the bottom of the table). Sort by topic name limit="all"
Limit the number of topics from which results will be returned. This is done after sorting if order
is specified. Note that this does not limit the number of hits from the same topic when you have multiple="on".All results date="..."
limits the results to those pages with latest edit time in the given time interval. All results reverse="on"
Reverse the direction of the search Ascending search casesensitive="on"
Case sensitive search Ignore case bookview="on"
BookView search, e.g. show complete topic text. Very resource demanding. Use only with small result sets Show entire topic content. nonoise="on"
Shorthand for nosummary="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" zeroresults="off" noheader="on" noempty="on"
Off nosummary="on"
Show topic title only Show topic summary nosearch="on"
Suppress search string Show search string noheader="on"
Suppress default search header
Topics: Changed: By: , unless aheader
is explicitly specifiedShow default search header, unless search is inline and a format is specified (Cairo compatibility) nototal="on"
Do not show number of topics found Show number zeroresults="off"
Suppress/replace all output if there are no hits (the boolean nature of the setting uses true
so those cannot be used as a format string on their own (insert ato escape them))- can also be set to a FormattedSearch string to customise the output
- displays the summary, and number of topics found. "Number of topics: 0"noempty="on"
Suppress results for webs that have no hits. Show webs with no hits header="..."
Custom format results: see FormattedSearch for usage & examples Results in table expandvariables="on"
Expand embedded macros before applying a FormattedSearch on a search hit. Useful to show the expanded text, e.g. to show the result of a SpreadSheetPlugin %CALC{}%
instead of the formulaRaw text multiple="on"
Multiple hits per topic. Each hit can be formatted. The last token is used in case of a regular expression ";" and search Only one hit per topic nofinalnewline="on"
If on
, the search variable does not end in a line by itself. Any text continuing immediately after the SEARCH macro on the same line will be rendered as part of the table generated by the search, if appropriate. This feature is only active when format is defined.on
Recurse into subwebs, if subwebs are enabled. Note: recurse will currently search subwebs of explicitly excluded webs. (web="all, -Sandbox" recurse="on")
will still search subwebs ofSandbox
. This behavior is likely to change in a future
separator=", "
Line separator between search hits (only used when format= is set) uses FormatTokens.
is not defined, the default is "$n" (newline). Not defining the separator will additionally cause a newline to be added after a header and before a footer."$n"
Line separator within a search hit. Useful if you want to put multi-line content into a table cell, for example if the format="" parameter contains a $pattern() that captures more than one line. "$n"
number of items to show per page "25"
Page of items to show (starts at 1) (over-ridden by the value specified by the URL parameter hash from $previousurl
appends the pager to the footer format (the quickest way to add paging to your SEARCHes is to just add pager="on"
Note: the default pager (whenpagerformat
is not defined) requires the parameters to the SEARCH to not change while paging, as it uses$previousurl
which use a hash of the Macro's parameters to override the value ofshowpage
. If you use time variable parameters, you will need to define your ownpagerformat
Custom format results: see FormattedSearch for usage & examples filled from skin template groupby="none"
Warning: this option is liable to change dramatically (and potentially incompatibly) in the next major release of foswiki. Setting to "none"
applies only to multi-web SEARCHs, and means theheader
are only output once - at the beginning and end of the list of results, and theorder
parameter is applied over the entire set of results (this setting removes the legacy that results are always partitioned by web) see SiteChanges for an example."web"
- Example:
%SEARCH{"wiki" web="%USERSWEB%" scope="topic"}%
- Example with format:
%SEARCH{ "FAQ" nonoise="on" header="| *Topic: * | *Summary: * |" format="| $topic | $summary |" }%
(displays results in a table with header - details)
The appearance of the table emitted by the SEARCH may be controlled with TablePlugin's
macro placed just before the%SEARCH{}%
. Example:%TABLE{ tablewidth="90%" }%
Related topics: FormattedSearch, QuerySearch, SearchHelp, SearchPatternCookbook, RegularExpression, TOPICLIST, WEBLIST
SERVERTIME{"format"} -- formatted server time
- Same format qualifiers as
- Syntax:
uses the Date format defined as {DefaultDateFormat} in configure - Example:
expands to23:53
Note: When used in a template topic, this macro will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TemplateTopics#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
SESSIONID -- unique ID for this session
- Syntax:
- Expand to:
SESSIONVAR -- name of CGI and session variable that stores the session ID
- Syntax:
- Expand to: FOSWIKISID
SESSION_VARIABLE -- get, set or clear a session variable
- Syntax:
- Syntax:
%SESSION_VARIABLE{"name" set="value"}%
- Syntax:
%SESSION_VARIABLE{"name" clear=""}%
The users ID is in the
session variable, and is read-only - Related: UserAuthentication, AUTHREALM, SESSIONID, SESSIONVAR, LOGIN, LOGOUT
SHOWPREFERENCE -- show where preferences are defined.
Preference values are shown in a bulleted list.-
- Show all preferences
- Show a single preference
- Example:
- Expands as:
* Set ATTACHFILESIZELIMIT = "10000" * ATTACHFILESIZELIMIT was *finalised* in System.DefaultPreferences
- Show all of the preferences in a comma-separated list of preference names. This is particularly useful for reviewing the access controls that apply to a topic.
- Example:
- Expands as:
* Set DENYWEBCHANGE = "" * Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = "%USERSWEB%.AdminGroup" * ALLOWWEBCHANGE was defined in System.WebPreferences
SILVER -- start silver colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%SILVER% silver text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: silver text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
SKIN -- current skin
expands the skin search path. For instance,SKIN
can be set tocatskin, bearskin
. - The
setting can be overridden using the URL parameterskin
, such as?skin=catskin,bearskin
- You can also extend the existing skin path using covers - see COVER
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
- See Skins for more information
- Related: SkinBrowser
SLIDESHOWEND -- end slideshow
- The
macro is handled by the SlideShowPlugin - Syntax:
- Related: SLIDESHOWSTART, SlideShowPlugin
SLIDESHOWSTART -- convert a topic with headings into a slideshow
- The
macro is handled by the SlideShowPlugin - Syntax:
- Syntax:
%SLIDESHOWSTART{ template="MyOwnSlideTemplate" }%
- Example:
%SLIDESHOWSTART% ---++ Sample Slide 1 * Bullet 1 * Bullet 2 ---++ Sample Slide 2 * Bullet 1 * Bullet 2 %SLIDESHOWEND%
- Expands as:
Sample Slide 1
- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
Sample Slide 2
- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
- Related: SLIDESHOWEND, SlideShowPlugin
SPACEDTOPIC -- topic name, spaced and URL-encoded deprecated
- The current topic name with added URL-encoded spaces, for use in regular expressions that search for backlinks to the current topic
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
This is a deprecated macro. It can be duplicated with
%ENCODE{%SPACEOUT{"%TOPIC%" separator=" *"}%}%
SPACEOUT{"string"} -- renders string with spaces inserted in sensible places
- Inserts spaces after lower case letters that are followed by a digit or a capital letter, and after digits that are followed by a capital letter.
- Useful for spacing out WikiWords
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: separator
The separator to put between words e.g. %SPACEOUT{"DogsCatsBudgies" separator=", "}%
-> Dogs, Cats, Budgies' ' Spaced out WikiWords are not automatically linked. To
a WikiWord but preserve the link use "double bracket" format. For example,[[WebHome][%SPACEOUT{"WebHome"}%]]
expands to Web Home - Related: SPACEDTOPIC, $PROPERSPACE() of SpreadSheetPlugin
STARTINCLUDE -- start position of topic text if included
- If present in included topic, start to include text from this location up to the end, or up to the location of the
macro. A normal view of the topic shows everything exept the%STARTINCLUDE%
macro itself. - Syntax:
If you want more than one part of the topic included, use
STARTSECTION -- marks the start of a section within a topic
- Section boundaries are defined with
. - Sections may be given a name to help identify them, and/or a type, which changes how they are used.
- the default, used for a generic section, such as a named section used by INCLUDE. -
except that you can have as many include blocks as you want which are all merged into one when included (%STARTINCLUDE%
is restricted to only one). Sections of type include may not be given a name. -
- all macros inside an "expandvariables" type section gets expanded when a new topic based on the template topic is created. See TemplateTopics for more information. -
- start position of text to be removed when a template topic is used. This is used to embed text that you do not want expanded when a new topic based on the template topic is created. See TemplateTopics for more information.
- Syntax:
%STARTSECTION{"name"}% ................... %ENDSECTION{"name"}%
- Syntax:
%STARTSECTION{type="include"}% ........... %ENDSECTION{type="include"}%
- Syntax:
%STARTSECTION{type="expandvariables"}% ... %ENDSECTION{type="expandvariables"}%
- Syntax:
%STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% ...... %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}%
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default "name"
Name of the section. Must be unique inside a topic. Generated name type="..."
Type of the section; type "section"
If a section is not given a name, it will be assigned one. Unnamed sections are assigned names starting with
for the first unnamed section in the topic,_SECTION1
for the second, etc..You can define nested sections. It is not recommended to overlap sections, although it is valid in Foswiki. Use named sections to make sure that the correct START and ENDs are matched. Section markers are not displayed when a topic is viewed.
STATISTICSTOPIC -- name of statistics topic
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
, renders as WebStatistics - Related: HOMETOPIC, NOTIFYTOPIC, TOPIC
STOPINCLUDE -- end position of topic text if included
- If present in included topic, stop to include text at this location and ignore the remaining text. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the
macro itself. - Syntax:
SYSTEMWEB -- name of documentation web
- The web containing all documentation and default preference settings
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
- Related: USERSWEB
T -- tip icon
TAB{"text" ...} -- tab inside a tabpane widget
- Defines a tab inside a TABPANE area; must be closed using ENDTAB.
- Parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "text" label of the tab Tab before when switching tabs, this is the javascript fragment to be executed just before the tab is displayed after this javascript handler is to be executed after the tab has been made visible afterload this javascript handler will be called when content loaded asynchronously (using the url
parameter, below) has finished loading; depending on the network latency, this can be significantly later than execution of theafter
handler aboveid id of this tab; this id can be used in the TABPANEs select
parameter to display this tab; this id is also added to the class attribute of the html element representing the tab buttonurl link from where to load the content of the tab asynchronously when selecting this tab; the result of the addressed handler will replace the content area; if no url is set the content of the TAB ... ENDTAB area will be shown when the tab is selected width width of the tab area auto height height of the tab area auto container element where ajax content will be loaded; this is only used together with url
- Related: VarENDTAB, VarTABPANE, VarENDTABPANE, JQueryPlugin, JQueryTabpane
TABLE{ attributes } -- control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- The
macro is handled by the TablePlugin - Syntax:
%TABLE{ attributes }%
Attributes for tables
Argument | Comment | Default value | Example |
tableborder |
Table border width (pixels). | "1" |
tableborder="2" |
tablebordercolor |
Table border color . Is only visible when cellspacing is larger than 1, or cellborder is 0 , or tablerules is none , otherwise the cell borders overlap the table border. |
unspecified | tablebordercolor="#333" |
tableframe |
Table frame, set to "void" (no sides), "above" (the top side only), "below" (the bottom side only), "hsides" (the top and bottom sides only), "lhs" (the left-hand side only), "rhs" (the right-hand side only), "vsides" (the right and left sides only), "box" (all four sides), "border" (all four sides). |
unspecified | tableframe="hsides" |
tablerules |
Table rules, set to "none" (no rules), "groups" (rules will appear between row groups and column groups only), "rows" (rules will appear between rows only), "cols" (rules will appear between columns only), "all" (rules will appear between all rows and columns). See also: headerrules and datarules . |
unspecified | tablerules="rows" |
tablewidth |
Table width: percentage of window width, or absolute pixel value. | unspecified | tablewidth="100%" |
headerrows |
Number of header rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML thead section) |
"1" |
headerrows="1" |
footerrows |
Number of footer rows to exclude from sort. (will be rendered in a HTML tfoot section) |
"0" |
footerrows="1" |
id |
Unique table identifier string, used for targeting a table with CSS. | tableN (where N is the table order number on the page) |
id="userTable" |
summary |
Table summary used by screen readers: A summary of what the table presents. It should provide an orientation for someone who listens to the table. | unspecified | summary="List of subscribed users" |
caption |
Table caption: A title that will be displayed just above the table. | unspecified | caption="Users" |
inlinemarkup |
Set to "on" to generate inline markup HTML (in addition to the CSS markup); useful if you need to copy the table, for instance to paste the table into an email). | unspecified | inlinemarkup="on" |
Attributes for table sorting
Argument | Comment | Default value | Example |
sort |
Set the table sorting user interface (clickable column headers) "on" or "off" . |
unspecified | sort="on" |
initsort |
Column to sort initially (use "1" for the first column). If specified, sorting is enabled; by setting sort="off" the sorting interface can be hidden. |
unspecified | initsort="2" |
initdirection |
Initial sorting direction for initsort , set to "up" (descending, or decreasing in value) or "down" (ascending, or increasing in value). |
down |
initdirection="up" |
disableallsort |
Disable all sorting, both initsort and header sort. This is mainly used by plugins such as the EditTablePlugin to disable sorting in a table while editing the table. | unspecified | disableallsort="on" |
Attributes for table cells
Argument | Comment | Default value | Example |
cellpadding |
Cell padding (pixels). | unspecified | cellpadding="0" |
cellspacing |
Cell spacing (pixels). | unspecified | cellspacing="3" |
cellborder |
Cell border width (pixels). | unspecified | cellborder="0" |
valign |
Vertical alignment of cells and headers, set to "top" , "middle" , "bottom" or "baseline" . |
unspecified | valign="top" |
columnwidths |
Column widths: Comma delimited list of column widths, percentage or absolute pixel value. | unspecified | columnwidths="80%,20%" |
Attributes for data cells
Argument | Comment | Default value | Example |
datarules |
Set to "none" (no rules), "rows" (rules will appear between rows only), "cols" (rules will appear between columns only), "all" (rules will appear between all rows and columns). Overrides tablerules for data cells. |
unspecified | datarules="none" |
datavalign |
Vertical alignment of data cells; overrides valign . |
unspecified | datavalign="top" |
dataalign |
Data cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. |
unspecified | dataalign="center" |
databg |
Data cell background colour, a comma separated list. Specify "none" for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. |
"#edf4f9,#fff" |
databg="#f2f2f2,#fff" |
databgsorted |
Data cell background colour of a sorted column; see databg . |
the values of databg |
databgsorted="#d4e8e4, #e5f5ea" |
datacolor |
Data cell text colour, a comma separated list. | unspecified | datacolor="#00c, #000" |
Attributes for headers
Argument | Comment | Default value | Example |
headerrules |
Set to "none" (no rules), "rows" (rules will appear between rows only), "cols" (rules will appear between columns only), "all" (rules will appear between all rows and columns). Overrides tablerules for header cells. |
unspecified | headerrules="none" |
headerbg |
Header cell background colour. Specify "none" for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. |
"#6b7f93" |
headerbg="#999" |
headerbgsorted |
Header cell background colour of a sorted column. Specify "none" for no colour, that is to use the colour/background of the page the table is on. |
the value of headerbg |
headerbgsorted="#32596c" |
headercolor |
Header cell text colour. | "#fff" |
headercolor="#00c" |
headervalign |
Vertical alignment of header cells; overrides valign . |
unspecified | headervalign="top" |
headeralign |
Header cell alignment, one value for all columns, or a comma separated list for different alignment of individual columns. Set to "left" , "center" , "right" or "justify" . Overrides individual cell settings. |
unspecified | headeralign="left,right" |
headerrows |
See: Attributes for tables |
Other attributes
Argument | Comment | Default value | Example |
include |
Other topic defining the TABLE parameters. The first %TABLE% in the topic is used. This is useful if you have many topics with the same table format and you want to update the format in one place. Use topic or web.topic notation. |
unspecified | include="Main.WebHome" |
- Example:
%TABLE{ tableborder="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="3" cellborder="0" }% | *A1* | *B1* | | A2 | B2 |
- Expands as:
A1 B1 A2 B2 - Related: See TablePlugin for more details
TABPANE{...} -- tabpane widget
- This macro starts the tabpane, containing a series of TAB...ENDTABs and ends with ENDTABPANE. A complete tabpane normally looks like this:
%TABPANE% %TAB{"tab 1"}% ... %ENDTAB% %TAB{"tab 2"}% ... %ENDTAB% %ENDTABPANE%
Multiple tabpanes can be nested using the following scheme:%TABPANE% %TAB{"tab 1"}% %TABPANE% %TAB{"tab 1.1"}% ... %ENDTAB% %TAB{"tab1.2"}% ... %ENDTAB% %ENDTABPANE% %ENDTAB% %TAB{"tab 2"}% ... %ENDTAB% %ENDTABPANE%
- Example: see JQueryTabpane for more examples
- Parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: select number or id of tab to select 1 automaxexpand resizes the tabpane to the maximum height to fit into the window off minheight when automaxexpand is enabled, this is the minimum size a tab is allowed to be resized 230 class extra class: use simple
for a non-3D tabpaneanimate (on/off) enables/disables animation of switching tabs off - Related: VarTAB, VarENDTAB, VarENDTABPANE, JQueryPlugin, JQueryTabpane
TEAL -- start teal colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%TEAL% teal text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: teal text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
TOC{"Topic"} -- table of contents
- Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax (
"---++ text"
) and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>"
) are taken into account. Any heading text after"!!"
is excluded from the TOC; for example, write"---+!! text"
if you do not want to list a header in the TOC - Syntax:
OR%TOC{"SomeTopic" ...}%
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "TopicName"
topic name Current topic web="Name"
Name of web Current web depth="2"
Limit depth of headings shown in TOC 6 title="Some text"
Title to appear at top of TOC none - Default settings are defined in DefaultPreferences, and can be overridden in SitePreferences
- Examples:
%TOC{depth="2"}% %TOC{"CompleteDocumentation" web="%SYSTEMWEB%" title="Contents:"}%
See also: Foswiki:Support/HowToCreateATableOfContentsTOC will add an HTML anchor called
just before the table of contents. This enables adding a link from within a topic back to the table of contents to ease navigation. Example[[#foswikiTOC][Back to TOC]]
creates Back to TOC.If multiple headers have the exact same text, the anchors for the 2nd, 3rd etc will be suffixed by _AN1, _AN2 etc so the anchors become unique.
TOPIC -- name of current topic
expands to the name of the topic. If you are looking at the text of an included topic, it is the name of the included topic. - Syntax:
- Expands to:
TOPICLIST{"format"} -- topic index of a web
- List of all topics in a web. The "format" defines the format of one topic item. It may include formatting tokens: The
token gets expanded to the topic name,$marker
parameter where topic matchesselection
, and$web
to the name of the web, or any of the standard FormatTokens. - Syntax:
%TOPICLIST{"format" ...}%
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "format"
Format of one line, may include $web
(name of web),$topic
(name of the topic),$marker
(which expands tomarker
for the item matchingselection
(Alternative to above) "$topic"
separator=", "
line separator "$n"
(new line)marker="selected"
Text for $marker
if the item matchesselection
selection="TopicA, TopicB"
Current value to be selected in list (none)
Name of web Current web - Examples:
Create a bullet list of all topics: %TOPICLIST{" * $web.$topic"}% Create a comma separated list of all topics: %TOPICLIST{separator=", "}% Create an option list (for drop down menus): %TOPICLIST{" <option>$topic</option>"}% Create an option list of web topics with the current topic selected: <select>%TOPICLIST{ " <option $marker value='$topic'>$topic</option>" separator=" " selection="%TOPIC%" }%</select>
TOPICURL -- shortcut to viewing the current topic
- This macro always expands to an url pointing to the current base topic.
- Current value:
Deprecated. Use
This renders the button as well as the toggled content section contained within this and the closingENDTWISTY
Usage: %TWISTY{ ... }% Toggable contents %ENDTWISTY%
Parameter | Value | Description | Remark |
id |
Unique identifier | Used to link TWISTYBUTTON and TWISTYTOGGLE | optional |
link |
Link label | Link label for both show and hide links | optional |
hidelink |
Link label | Hide link label | optional |
showlink |
Link label | Show link label | optional |
mode |
"div" or "span" |
Specify if the Twisty Toggle section will use a <div> or a <span> tag. Note that if the contents contains block elements such as div , mode should be div as well to create valid HTML markup. |
optional, defaults to <div> |
showimgleft |
Image url | Specify the url of an image that will be displayed with the show link at the left side of the link. You may use ICONURLPATH to display one of the DocumentGraphics icons. Alternatively use an image attached to the topic. |
optional, defaults to no image |
hideimgleft |
Image url | Specify the url of an image that will be displayed with the hide link at the left side of the link. You may use ICONURLPATH to display one of the DocumentGraphics icons. Alternatively use an image attached to the topic. |
optional, defaults to no image |
showimgright |
Image url | Specify the url of an image that will be displayed with the show link at the right side of the link. You may use ICONURLPATH to display one of the DocumentGraphics icons. Alternatively use an image attached to the topic. |
optional, defaults to no image |
hideimgright |
Image url | Specify the url of an image that will be displayed with the hide link at the right side of the link. You may use ICONURLPATH to display one of the DocumentGraphics icons. Alternatively use an image attached to the topic. |
optional, defaults to no image |
remember |
"on" , "off" |
If "on" , the Twisty state is remembered the next time the page is shown. If "off" , the stored setting will be cleared.
optional, no default |
start |
"hide" or "show" |
Initial state of the Twisty; this will override any setting stored in a cookie (see remember ). |
optional, default no initial state |
firststart |
"hide" or "show" |
Initial state of the Twisty the first time the visitor gets to see the Twisty; this will NOT override cookie settings (see remember ). |
optional, default no initial state |
noscript |
"hide" |
Make content hidden in case use does not have JavaScript on | optional, default content is shown in case JavaScript if off |
class |
CSS class name | Class for Twisty div or span | optional, default none |
linkclass |
CSS class name | Class for link | optional, default none |
prefix |
Text | Text to display before the show/hide links | optional, default none |
suffix |
Text | Text to display after the show/hide links | optional, default none |
img |
Image url | Deprecated, use showimgleft, hideimgleft, showimgright or hideimgright. | optional, defaults to no image |
imgleft |
Image url | Deprecated, use showimgleft, hideimgleft, showimgright or hideimgright. | optional, defaults to no image |
imgright |
Image url | Deprecated, use showimgleft, hideimgleft, showimgright or hideimgright. | optional, defaults to no image |
hideimg |
Image url | Deprecated, use showimgleft, hideimgleft, showimgright or hideimgright. | optional, defaults to no image |
showimg |
Image url | Deprecated, use showimgleft, hideimgleft, showimgright or hideimgright. | optional, defaults to no image |
Shorthand version for TWISTYSHOW & TWISTYHIDE This is useful if both the show and the hide button take the same arguments.- Supported parameters: all parameters supported by TWISTY, except for
(only used for 'toggle' content) - Parameter differences:
: button mode defaults to div
- Syntax:
%TWISTYBUTTON{id="myid" ... }%
- Supported parameters:
Parameter Value Description Remark mode
Specify if the Twisty button will use a <div>
or a<span>
tag. Note that if the contents contains block elements such asdiv
should bediv
as well to create valid HTML markup.optional, defaults to <div>
- Example:
%TWISTYBUTTON{ id="myid" link="more" }%%TWISTYTOGGLE{ id="myid" }%content%ENDTWISTYTOGGLE%
- Expands as: content
Hide/close link- Syntax:
%TWISTYHIDE{id="myid" ... }%
- Supported parameters:
Parameter Value Description Remark id
Unique identifier Used to link TWISTYSHOW, TWISTYHIDE and TWISTYTOGGLE required link
Link label Hide link label optional mode
Specify if the Twisty Hide link will use a <div>
or a<span>
tag. Note that if the contents contains block elements such asdiv
should bediv
as well to create valid HTML markup.optional, defaults to <div>
Image url Specify the url of an image that will be displayed at the right side of the link.
You may use ICONURLPATH to display one of the DocumentGraphics icons. Alternatively use an image attached to the topic.optional, defaults to no image remember
If "on"
, the Twisty state is remembered the next time the page is shown. If"off"
, the stored setting will be cleared.
Note: when used, think carefully about a unique name (id) for the Twisty, otherwise the cookie that is set might affect other Twisties with the same name. Also note that only interaction is stored, not the state of the Twisty when left unclicked.optional, no default start
Initial state of the Twisty; this will override any setting stored in a cookie (see remember
).optional, default no initial state firststart
Initial state of the Twisty the first time the visitor gets to see the Twisty; this will NOT override cookie settings (see remember
).optional, default no initial state - Example:
%TWISTYHIDE{id="demo" link=" Click to Fold " imgleft="%ICONURLPATH{toggleclose}%"}%
Show/open link- Syntax:
%TWISTYSHOW{id="myid" ... }%
- Supported parameters:
Parameter Value Description Remark id
Unique identifier Used to link TWISTYSHOW, TWISTYHIDE and TWISTYTOGGLE required link
Link label Show link label optional mode
Specify if the Twisty Show link will use a <div>
or a<span>
tag. Note that if the contents contains block elements such asdiv
should bediv
as well to create valid HTML markup.optional, defaults to <div>
Image url Specify the url of an image that will be displayed at the right side of the link.
You may use ICONURLPATH to display one of the DocumentGraphics icons. Alternatively use an image attached to the topic.optional, defaults to no image imgleft
Image url Specify the url of an image that will be displayed at the left side of the link.
You may use ICONURLPATH to display one of the DocumentGraphics icons. Alternatively use an image attached to the topic.optional, defaults to no image imgright
Image url Specify the url of an image that will be displayed at the right side of the link.
You may use ICONURLPATH to display one of the DocumentGraphics icons. Alternatively use an image attached to the topic.optional, defaults to no image remember
If "on"
, the Twisty state is remembered the next time the page is shown. If"off"
, the stored setting will be cleared.
Note: when used, think carefully about a unique name (id) for the Twisty, otherwise the cookie that is set might affect other Twisties with the same name. Also note that only interaction is stored, not the state of the Twisty when left unclicked.optional, no default start
Initial state of the Twisty; this will override any setting stored in a cookie (see remember
).optional, default no initial state firststart
Initial state of the Twisty the first time the visitor gets to see the Twisty; this will NOT override cookie settings (see remember
).optional, default no initial state - Example:
%TWISTYSHOW{id="demo" link=" Click to Unfold " imgleft="%ICONURLPATH{toggleopen}%"}%
Twisty Toggle contents section- Syntax:
- Supported parameters:
Parameter Value Description Remark id
Unique identifier Used to link TWISTYSHOW, TWISTYHIDE and TWISTYTOGGLE. required mode
Specify if the Twisty Toggle section will use a <div>
or a<span>
tag. Note that if the contents contains block elements such asdiv
should bediv
as well to create valid HTML markup.optional, defaults to <div>
CSS class name Class for content div or span optional, default none linkclass
CSS class name Class for link optional, default none remember
If "on"
, the Twisty state is remembered the next time the page is shown. If"off"
, the stored setting will be cleared.
Note: when used, think carefully about a unique name (id) for the Twisty, otherwise the cookie that is set might affect other Twisties with the same name. Also note that only interaction is stored, not the state of the Twisty when left unclicked.optional, no default start
Initial state of the Twisty; this will override any setting stored in a cookie (see remember
).optional, default no initial state firststart
Initial state of the Twisty the first time the visitor gets to see the Twisty; this will NOT override cookie settings (see remember
).optional, default no initial state noscript
Make content hidden in case use does not have JavaScript on optional, default content is shown with no JavaScript - Example:
%TWISTYTOGGLE{id="demo" mode="div" remember="on"}%My content%ENDTWISTYTOGGLE%
U -- "updated" icon
URLPARAM{"name"} -- get URL or HTTP POST parameter value
- Returns the value of the named parameter in the URL or HTTP POST request.
- Syntax:
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "name"
The name of a URL parameter required default="..."
Default value in case parameter is empty or missing empty string newline="<br />"
Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters no conversion encode="off"
Control how special characters are encoded
: No encoding. Avoid using this when possible. See the security warning below.
: Encode special characters into HTML entities. See ENCODE for more details.
: Encode characters'"<>%
into HTML entities.
: Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into%22
: Escape double quotes with backslashes (\"
), does not change other characters; required when feeding URL parameters into other macros."safe" multiple="on"
If set, gets all selected elements of a <select multiple="multiple">
tag. A format can be specified, with$item
indicating the element, e.g.multiple="Option: $item"
(also supports the standard format tokens)first element separator=", "
Separator between multiple selections. Only relevant if multiple is specified "\n"
(new line) - Example:
for a.../view/System/Macros?skin=print
URL - Notes:
- URL parameters passed into HTML form fields must be entity ENCODEd.
- Double quotes in URL parameters must be escaped when passed into other macros.
Example:%SEARCH{ "%URLPARAM{ "search" encode="quote" }%" noheader="on" }%
- When used in a template topic, this macro will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TemplateTopics#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
- Watch out for internal parameters, such as
; they have a special meaning in Foswiki. Common parameters and view script specific parameters are documented at CommandAndCGIScripts. - If you have
in the value of a URL parameter, it will be modified to%<nop>URLPARAM{
. This is to prevent an infinite loop during expansion. - Security warning! Using URLPARAM can easily be misused for cross-site scripting unless specific characters are entity encoded. By default URLPARAM encodes the characters
into HTML entities (same as encode="safe") which is relatively safe. The safest is to use encode="entity". When passing URLPARAM inside another macro always use double quotes ("") combined with using URLPARAM with encode="quote". For maximum security against cross-site scripting you are adviced to install the Foswiki:Extensions.SafeWikiPlugin.
- Related: ENCODE, SEARCH, FormattedSearch, QUERYSTRING
USERINFO{"name"} -- retrieve details about a user
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
guest, WikiGuest,
(comma-separated list of the username, wikiusername, and emails) - With formatted output, using tokens
($admin returns 'true' or 'false'):- Example:
%USERINFO{ format="$username is really $wikiname" }%
- Expands to:
guest is really WikiGuest
- Example:
- Retrieve information about another user:
- Example:
%USERINFO{ "WikiGuest" format="$username is really $wikiname" }%
- Expands to:
guest is really WikiGuest
You need to be a member of AdminGroup for the
macro to provide details about other usersThe parameter should be the wikiname of a user. You can also pass a login name. You can only get information about another user if the
configuration option is not enabled, or if you are an admin. (User details are hidden in this site)
- Example:
- Related: USERNAME, WIKINAME, WIKIUSERNAME, GROUPINFO, UserAuthentication, ChangeEmailAddress
USERNAME -- your login username
- Foswiki makes names available in three formats: USERNAME like
, WIKINAME likeJohnSmith
and WIKIUSERNAME likeMain.JohnSmith
. Un-authenticated users are all WikiGuest. - Syntax:
- Expands to:
When used in a template topic, this macro will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TemplateTopics#TemplateTopicsVars for details
USERSWEB -- name of users web
- The web containing individual user topics, WikiGroups, and customised site-wide preferences.
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
- Related: SYSTEMWEB
VAR{"NAME" web="Web"} -- get a preference value from another web
- Syntax:
%VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}%
- Example: To get
of the Main web write%VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}%
, which expands to#FFEFA6
VBAR -- vertical bar
- The vertical bar macro can be used in TML tables.
- Current value: VBAR = |
- Related: BR, BULLET, BB, BB2, BB3, BB4, CARET
WEB -- name of current web
expands to the name of the web where the topic is located. If you are looking at the text of an included topic, it is the web where the included topic is located. - Syntax:
- Expands to:
WEBLIST{"format"} -- index of all webs
- List of all webs. Obfuscated webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a
preference setting. The"format"
defines the format of one web item. The$name
gets expanded to the name of the web,$qname
gets expanded to double quoted name,$marker
where web matchesselection
. Subwebs are listed recursively. - Syntax:
%WEBLIST{"format" ...}%
- Supported parameters:
Parameter: Description: Default: "format"
Format of one line, may include $name
(the name of the web), $qname (the name of the web in double quotes),$indentedname
(the name of the web with parent web names replaced by indents, for use in indented lists), and$marker
(which expands tomarker
for the item matchingselection
(Alternative to above) $name
separator=", "
Line separator $n
(new line)web=""
if you specify $web
in format, it will be replaced with this value.none webs="public"
Comma separated list of webs to consider. This list can include two pseudo-webs, public
which expands to all non-hidden andwebtemplate
which expands to the names of all template webs.
NOTE: Administrators will see all webs, not just the public onespublic
Specifies a single web. If specified, then public
(described above) will expand relative to show subwebs *below this web only.""
Entry to be selected in list. If one of the webs matches this selection, then $marker
in theformat
will be expandedselection=%WEB%
Text for $marker
if the item matchesselection
- Example, creates a bullet list of all webs:
%WEBLIST{" * [[$name.%HOMETOPIC%]]"}%
- Example, creates a dropdown of all public webs + Trash web, with the current web highlighted:
<form><select name="web">%WEBLIST{ "<option $marker value='$qname'>$name</option>" webs="Trash, public" selection="%WEB%" separator=" " }% </select></form>
will not show a web called 'TWiki' even if it exists in the file system unless theTWikiCompatibilityPlugin
is installed and activated in configure. This is done to ensure that the TWiki compatibility components such as the TWiki web are only visible and active when needed - Related: TOPICLIST, SEARCH
WEBPREFSTOPIC -- name of web preferences topic
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
, renders as WebPreferences - Related: HOMETOPIC, WIKIPREFSTOPIC, VAR
WHITE -- start white colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%WHITE% white text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: white text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
WIKIHOMEURL -- site home URL
- Syntax
- Expands to
- Normally by default set to
For the top bar logo URL use
defined in WebPreferences instead. - Related: WIKITOOLNAME
WIKINAME -- your Wiki username
- The WikiName is the same as
if not defined in the WikiUsers topic - Syntax:
- Expands to:
When used in a template topic, this macro will be expanded when the template is used to create new topic. See TemplateTopics#TemplateTopicsVars for details
WIKIPREFSTOPIC -- name of site-wide preferences topic
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
, renders as DefaultPreferences - Related: HOMETOPIC, WEBPREFSTOPIC
WIKITOOLNAME -- name of your site
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
Petr Malát
WIKIUSERNAME -- your Wiki username with web prefix
- Your %WIKINAME% with Main web prefix, useful to point to your Petr Malát home page
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
, renders as WikiGuestWhen used in a template topic, this macro will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TemplateTopics#TemplateTopicsVars for details
WIKIUSERSTOPIC -- name of topic listing all registered users
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
, with Main prefix renders as WikiUsers - Related: WIKIUSERNAME
WIKIVERSION -- the version of the installed Foswiki engine
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
WIKIWEBMASTER -- feedback email address for site
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
WIKIWEBMASTERNAME -- Name of the administrator for the site
- Syntax:
- Expands to:
Wiki Administrator
X -- warning icon
Y -- "yes" icon
YELLOW -- start yellow colored text
is one of the shortcut macros predefined in DefaultPreferences. See the section shortcut macros in that topic for a complete list of colors.
Example:%YELLOW% yellow text %ENDCOLOR%
Expands to: yellow text%<color>%
text must end with%ENDCOLOR%
. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with%ENDCOLOR%
, e.g. write%RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%
The following macros are preference settings and are frequently used in topic content.-
- line break -
- bullet sign -
- line break and bullet combined -
- indented line break and bullet -
- colored text (also%YELLOW%
) -
-Help icon
-Idea icon
-Moved to icon
-New icon
-Refactor icon
-Question icon
-Red star icon
-Tip icon
-Updated icon
-Alert icon
-Done icon
Related Topics: UserDocumentationCategory