Backlinks to LacieEDMiniV2 in Projects Web (Search all webs)

Results from Projects web retrieved at 08:09 (GMT)

Firewall setup Bridged connection This is situation, which I use, so the description is more detailed. My network configuration is shown below: switch ...
The hard way (requires serial connection to EDMini and linux machine, does not require SATA) Do not blindly copy the commands. If you don't understand them and just ...
FTP server vsftpd I tested various FTP servers in debian and the best results I've got with vsftpd. Instalation Because vsftpd is included in debian, instalation ...
Connecting serial console to ED Mini v2 ED Mini v2 has console on its serial output. The only problem is that it uses 3.3V logic, which couldn't be connected directly ...
Install almost mandatory packages Power button Power button isn't supported in stock Debian, but you can install btnd from my repository, which is able to handle ...
Debian on LaCie EDMini v2 I've bought Linux powered NAS Lacie ED Mini v2. Because the original firmware has only little features (no bittorrent client etc.) I've hacked ...
WebLinks Nabidka v levym panelu * Debian for ED Mini v2 * Spectral Editor * Clondike * Other projects * * * * * " as ...
Statistics for Projects Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 8