internal package
On this page:
internal package
"Validation" is the process of ensuring that an incoming request came from
a page we generated. Validation keys are injected into all HTML pages
generated by Foswiki, in Foswiki::writeCompletePage. When a request is
received from the browser that requires validation, that request must
be accompanied by the validation key. The functions in this package
support the generation and checking of these validation keys.
Two key validation methods are supported by this module; simple token
validation, and double-submission validation. Simple token validation
stores a magic number in the session, and then adds that magic number to
all forms in the output HTML. When a form is submitted, the magic number
submitted with the form must match the number stored in the session. This is
a relatively weak protection method, but requires some coding around so may
discourage many hackers.
The second method supported is properly called double cookie submission,
but referred to as "strikeone" in Foswiki. This again uses a token added
to output forms, but this time it uses Javascript to combine that token
with a secret stored in a cookie, to create a new token. This is more secure
because the cookie containing the secret cannot be read outside the domain
of the server, making it much harder for a page hosted on an evil site to
forge a valid transaction.
When a request requiring validation comes in, Foswiki::UI::checkValidationKey
is called. This compares the key in the request with the set of valid keys
stored in the session. If the comparison fails, the browser is redirected
to the login
script (even if the user is currently logged in) with the
parameter set to validate
. This generates a confirmation screen
that the user must accept before the transaction can proceed. When the screen
is confirmed, login
is invoked again and the original transaction restored
from passthrough.
In the function descriptions below, $cgis is a reference to a CGI::Session
addValidationKey( $cgis, $context, $strikeone ) → $form
Add a new validation key to a form. The key will time out after
{Validation}{ValidForTime}. -
- a CGI::Session -
- the context for the key, usually the URL of the target page plus the time. This should be unique for each rendered page. -
- if set, expect the nonce to be combined with the session secret before it is posted back.
addOnSubmit( $form ) → $form
Add a double submission onsubmit handler to a form. -
- the opening tag of a form, ie. <form ...>=
getCookie( $cgis ) → $cookie
Get a double submission cookie -
- a CGI::Session
flag of the cookie, according to the
request being processed.