internal package Foswiki::Configure::UIs::Section

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internal package Foswiki::Configure::UIs::Section; is a Foswiki::Configure::UIs::Item

A UI for a collection object. The layout of a configuration page is depth-sensitive, so we have slightly different behaviours for each of level 0 (the root), level 1 (tab sections) and level > 1 (subsection).

ObjectMethod renderHtml($section, $root, $contents) → ($html, \%properties)

Overrides Foswiki::Configure::UIs::Item

Sections are of two types; "plain" and "tabbed". A plain section formats all its subsections inline, in a table. A tabbed section formats all its subsections as tabs.

PROTECTED ObjectMethod renderValueBlock($string) -> $html

Render a value block. This is exported so that UIs can render value strings other than those composed of configuration items e.g. the environment.

Only for use by subclasses.