internal package Foswiki::Configure::UIs::Root

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internal package Foswiki::Configure::UIs::Root is a Foswiki::Configure::UIs::Section', 'Foswiki::Configure::Visitor

Specialisation of Foswiki::Configure::UIs::Section for the root of the model.

The root differs from other sections in that it carries the Foswiki::Configure::Valuer used to give values to configuration items, and is itself a visitor over the model. As each node in the model is visited, the UI for that node is loaded.

ObjectMethod messages($message)

Set and retrieve the messages from the previous operation. Also passes through sanity errors.

If called with a message, sets and returns the message, otherwise just returns the message

ObjectMethod createUI( $tree, $valuer )

Visit the nodes in a tree of configuration items, and generate their UIs.