internal package
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internal package
Foswiki::Configure::FoswikiCfg is a
This is both a parser for configuration declaration files, such as
FoswikiCfg.spec, and a serialisation visitor for writing out changes
to LocalSite.cfg
The supported syntax in declaration files is as follows:
cfg ::= ( setting | section | extension )* ; setting ::= BOL typespec EOL comment* BOL def ; typespec ::= "**" typeid options "**" ; def ::= "$" ["Foswiki::"] "cfg" keys "=" value ";" ; keys ::= ( "{" id "}" )+ ; value is any perl value not including ";" comment ::= BOL "#" string EOL ; section ::= BOL "#--+" string ( "--" options )? EOL comment* ; extension ::= BOL " *" id "*" EOL ::= end of line BOL ::= beginning of line typeid ::= id ; id ::= a \w+ word (legal Perl bareword)A section is simply a divider used to create blocks. It can have varying depth depending on the number of + signs and may have options after -- e.g. #---+ Section -- TABS EXPERT A setting is the sugar required for the setting of a single configuration value. An extension is a pluggable UI extension that supports some extra UI functionality, such as the menu of languages or the menu of plugins. Each setting has a typespec and a def. The typespec consists of a type id and some options. Types are loaded by type id from the Foswiki::Configure::Types hierachy - for example, type BOOLEAN is defined by Foswiki::Configure::Types::BOOLEAN. Each type is a subclass of Foswiki::Configure::Type - see that class for more details of what is supported. A def is a specification of a field in the $Foswiki::cfg hash, together with a perl value for that hash. Each field can have an associated Checker which is loaded from the Foswiki::Configure::Checkers hierarchy. Checkers are responsible for specific checks on the value of that variable. For example, the checker for $Foswiki::cfg{Banana}{Republic} will be expected to be found in Foswiki::Configure::Checkers::Banana::Republic. Checkers are subclasses of Foswiki::Configure::Checker. See that class for more details. An extension is a placeholder for a pluggable UI module (a class in Foswiki::Configure::Checkers::UIs)
Used in saving, when we need a callback. Otherwise the methods here are
all static.
load($root, $haveLSC)
Load the configuration declarations. The core set is defined in
Foswiki.spec, which must be found on the @INC path and is always loaded
first. Then find all settings for extensions in their .spec files.
This only reads type specifications, it does not read values.
SEE ALSO Foswiki::Configure::Load::readDefaults
- $root Foswiki::Configure::Root of the model
- $haveLSC if we have a LocalSite.cfg
save($root, $valuer, $logger, $insane)
- $root is a Foswiki::Configure::Root
- $valuer is a Foswiki::Configure::Valuer
- $logger an object that implements a logChange($keys,$value) method, called to record the changes.
- $insane set to true if existing LocalSite.cfg should be overwritten