Homepage: http://malsup.com/jquery/mediaAuthor(s): M. Alsup
Version: 0.96 jQuery Media Plugin for converting elements into rich media content. Supported Media Players:
- Flash
- Quicktime
- Real Player
- Silverlight
- Windows Media Player
- iframe
Any types supported by the above players, such as:
- Video: asf, avi, flv, mov, mpg, mpeg, mp4, qt, smil, swf, wmv, 3g2, 3gp
- Audio: aif, aac, au, gsm, mid, midi, mov, mp3, m4a, snd, rm, wav, wma
- Other: bmp, html, pdf, psd, qif, qtif, qti, tif, tiff, xaml
To enable the media plugin surround (a set of) links to the media with ajqMedia
div element. All
links inside will be processed and an according player will be embeded.
%JQREQUIRE{"media"}% <div class="jqMedia"> http://....flv </div>Embeding a youtube video:
<div class="jqMedia {type:'swf'}"> http://youtube.com/v/TyvN59L4hJU </div>