The hard way (requires serial connection to EDMini and linux machine, does not require SATA)

- $ stands for linux shell
- > means u-boot shell
- your_pc_ip is your PC IP address
- lacie_ip is EDMini IP address
There are two Debian architectures, which are able to run on ED Mini v2. Old arm and new and better armel. The problem is that original ED Mini kernel supports only the arm (confirmation required, if you tested it, please mail me). So if you plan to use the original kernel, install arm architectureThe procedure
- Prepare root (Debian based distribution not required, just install debootstrap. I did it from archlinux)
$ debootstrap --arch armel --foreign lenny rootfs $ (cd rootfs; tar -cvzf ../rootfs.tgz *)
make rootfs.tgz available over http - Connect serial terminal and boot into /bin/sh
> setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/sda6 ro init=/bin/sh; boot
- Use fdisk to remove sda2 and create two partitions sda2 (freespace-512MB) and sda3 (512MB)
- Make filesystem on sda3 and mount it
$ mount -t proc p /proc $ mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda3; mkfs.xfs /dev/sda2 (I've also formatted sda2) $ mount /dev/sda3 /mnt
- Setup IP connection over ethernet to your PC and download rootfs
$ ifconfig eth0 lacie_ip $ (cd /mnt; wget http://your_pc_ip/rootfs.tgz; tar -xvzf rootfs.tgz)
- Umount fs
$ umount /mnt and reboot
- Boot into newly installed system
> setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/sda3 rw noinitrd init=/bin/sh; boot
- Complete the installation
$ export PATH; /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
- Edit /etc/inittab (change the speed of serial console to 115200, remove vga consoles).
- Edit /etc/fstab (add /, swap etc...)
- Set the root password
- reboot
$ mount -o umount,ro /; reboot -f
> setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/sda3 ro noinitrd; boot
Continue with LacieSystemSetup -- PetrMalat - 29 Sep 2009
History: r3 - 12 Nov 2011 - 23:58:04 - PetrMalat